An eye for an eye! Aye Aye Captain!

*Sukanya, F, 32, 5/10, 1/4, K, Blurry vision, 5/10. VAK - 3/3/8"

Theme: Loss of vision

The client is a professional teacher who lost her mother 4-5 years ago and had blurry vision due to a problem with the usage of contact lenses. The client is unmarried and her dad does not understand all the problems she is undergoing. She lost her job due to this vision problem.

Client’s family consists of only her dad and herself at the moment. It was a big joint family that got split up due to fights between her uncle and her dad.

Client was so insecure because of her blurry vision where her right eye vision is completely blurry and is managing all the household work with this issue.

Client was very tough to be hypnotized and I had 5 sessions with her and was happy to have got closure finally.

Dave Elman, Progressive Relaxation and Happy moment
Client messaged me the next day that she was very relaxed and slept peacefully after a very long time and also messaged she had a thirsty feeling all the time after the session.

Session 2:
Dave Elman, Progressive Relaxation In-Utero, and Cliff Reframing and wrapped up with happy moments.
Client was feeling very relaxed and I could slowly make her understand that it is very easy to access the unconscious mind. The session lasted for 3.5 hrs. Client said she had hardly meditated in her entire life and this is the first time she had sat silently in one place for this long. She could not believe that the session went on for so long.

Session 3:
Dave Elman and Progressive Relaxation.

Client slept off in the middle of the session. I did not wake her up and she slept peacefully and woke up after 3 hrs. I told the client to rest comfortably before coming to the next session.

Session 4:
T: This is what the therapist said.
C: This is what the client said.
Dave Elman, Progressive Relaxation.
T: Let’s go back to the first hurtful moment that happened in this lifetime
C: (Started Crying)… I lost my mom. I was in the UK. I got a message from Dad asking me to come back to India. I did not know what to do and started to India immediately.

T: Let’s go back to another time in this lifetime when you could have had a hurtful moment.
C: My vision was gone. My right eye has become completely white and pale. My eyes were so brown and so beautiful. My right vision is completely gone.

T: Do not worry. It was just a moment in the past and you are feeling those emotions now. If you were to tell me where this feeling would be stored in your body, where could that be?
C: My heart is very heavy and deeply hurt

T: Let’s stay in this feeling and intensify this pain (2x, 5x, 10x with countdown)
C: Was crying and shaking terribly

T: Let’s use this hurt feeling and find out where this could have originated. Imagine a small bridge through which you are walking. Do not worry you are not alone. I am there with you always. Even if nothing comes up, it is fine, As I count from 10 to 1, let us walk back and find out. Gave her 5 minutes of ample time.

C: I am a pirate.
T: Are you a male or a female? What are you wearing?
C: I am a female. I am wearing rugged clothes
T: What is your name?
C: Alicia

T: Can you see where you are at?
C: I am in an old ship. I am releasing up the boat to leave the coast.

T: Which year is it?
C: I do not know. It is somewhere in the 1820s

T: Where are you headed to?
C; I am given orders to kill and hunt for food. I do not like to kill but I cannot disobey the orders

T: Who gave the orders?
C: The captain of this ship.

T: Do you see him near you?
C: Yes.

T: What is his name? Do you recognize him from this life? Look into his eyes and take your time
C: Yes. His name is Albert. He is my uncle in this life. I don’t like him at all

T: Who else is in this ship?
C: There is another pirate in this ship. He just obeys orders and I don’t like him too

T: Can you look at him and find out if you could recognize him from his eyes in this current lifetime?
C: It’s… Its… MY DAD!

T: Let’s go forward in time and find out the next significant moment in this lifetime
C: shivers.
T: Do not worry, you are perfectly safe. Relax your head, eyebrows, and shoulders.
C: It’s so horrible

T: I understand what you are observing is horrible. Can you explain what it is that you are observing? If you find it difficult, can you float above and observe what is happening?
C: We are fighting with another ship launching missiles. We tied up their boat to ours and I… I…I…
T: What happened?
C: I stabbed a knife into a person’s eye… Starts crying.

I wiped her tears and gave her some time to compose herself. I reassured her that it is from the past that this incident had happened and she is just witnessing it now.

I felt so happy here that the client was able to get a connection from her past life to her current loss of vision.

T: Do not worry, whatever you had done was done in that lifetime and it was done by you following your captain’s orders.
C: Yes, I understand

T: Let us go to the last moment in this lifetime. Where are you?
C: I am at the hospital. I am sick taking drips. I am dying.

T: What happens after you die? Can you float above and see?
C: I see light. A lot of colorful light. I see many lights in different forms. Who are those?

T: They are your masters. They are here to help you. If there is a message from this lifetime, what would that be?
C: I should forgive myself. I should not do anything against my morals.

T: Ask help from your masters to help you forgive yourself and let go of this feeling that you may be carrying forward from this lifetime. Let us now dissolve this hurt feeling and completely energize your soul with positive good health.
C: Visibly smiles and is very happy.

Gave her enough time to be in this happy/healing state and then took her back to the garden and back to normal state.

Session 5: Dave Elman, Pyramid, and Future Life Progression.
I specifically did FLP for this client to give her more hope about what is awaiting her in the future and to see her completely happy and energetic.

The client slept for 12 hrs for the first time in her life after the session and sent me the below images and lovely feedback to wrap up.

Pic taken on 15 Aug 2024 before session 1

2 days After the final session on 25th August 2024

Screenshot 2024-08-25 at 6.35.33 PM

Visibly the scars are fading away nicely and the best part was client called me up in joy saying she could see the blurriness fading away and could see her dad from a very far-off distant place too. Client and I are still in disbelief that the blurriness in her eyes has started to fade off at such a rapid pace. Client was overwhelmed with joy.


  1. Client had stopped going to the temple off-late. Have advised her to restart this habit.
  2. Client loves to go to the beach earlier but not going. Have asked her to go and spend a good time there with herself till the time she feels completely happy and relaxed.
  3. Have given a small meditation 15-minute video link to practice it daily
  4. Client wanted one more session in FLP. Have planned the same after 15 days.

Amazing very good how the Client eye is healed!


The result is Phenomenal!:clap:t2::clap:t2::clap:t2:


Miracle man Arvind! God bless your client and reassuring us all of, not just of miracles but, of a connection between our multiple lives affecting our present day state. Truly transforming! Be well!!..:slight_smile:


Amazing session…the images of her eyes is a testament to the healing PLRT can bring about…pl keep us updated about the condition of her eyes in coming months.
All power to you.


@arvindhan15 - what a lovely session!! Hats off to you for your patience :clap:t2::clap:t2: The photos taken before and after the session are mind blowing!! I am amazed at the wonders PLR can do :heart:


Wow, such well documented before and after PLRT sessions! Way to go!


@arvindhan15 ,It was an amazing session! I was thrilled to learn about the miraculous results you and your client witnessed post-session. What could be more encouraging than this? God bless you and your client. Thanks for sharing it with us.




As someone suffering from various eye ailments and having been in the third generation of medical profession, this case study is remarkable for me. The outcome is so very scientifically evident !! Congratulations !!


Welcome to the family, dear Arvind! :tada:
Wow, what an impressive session! You handled it amazingly well, and it’s fantastic to see the client gaining a clear vision. Superb work! :clap::clap::sunflower::sparkles:


@arvindhan15 , just wow man…
The proofs you attached are mind boggling…
It shows how much effective is the PLRT is if done correctly… you just gave vision to someone… weldone…


This is phenomenal my beloved @arvindhan15
hats off to your perseverance, you should be known for it.

despite this being your 1st client you didn’t give up and went on upto session 5. That sets you apart as a very special PLR therapist and I’m grateful to you for having given me the opportunity of sharing my only treasure with you and your clients will be lucky to find you.
As forget techniques and all that jazz. This actually this, it is this grit to follow the process that counts!

I remember my helpless days after having come back from the training and not knowing how to maneuver a session, getting stuck, not knowing what to do… and that is when I started devising the 15 Stage process for all of you so that even if I’m not there my children can still conduct successful session. And you’ve proved it that having the doggedness to follow is sufficient and it can guide you on its own. (I also just saw the email you had sent me 8 days ago asking for assistance for this case, but I see that you’ve come out with flying colours already.)

body get’s dehydrated due to stress and hence suggest all your clients to drink a lot of warm water post session and sleep. Do you remember my first PLRT experience about which I’ve written here?
post my session, (thanks to you I got a chance to read it after 10 years!)

I had slept as usual thatnight and when I woke up the next morning it was afternoon (Neha was in offsite training program and I was by myself and hence there was nobody to wake me up) and the bedsheets were dripping wet, I had sweat so profusely that night, so that is how much the body can get dehydrated after the session. Which means retaining water is one of the body’s mechanism of coping with stress.

wow!!! standing ovation to you :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

client is “K”, please focus on calibrating your suggestions,

wow, this is how the recognitions should happen, automatically.

here’s the Engram

it would have been better if you could help her draw these realisations herself. As now these are artificial fixtures in her psyche. High chances that there could be some residual issues which might crop up in future. Do talk to her and bring her for a few more sessions which will be directed by her Unconscious :slight_smile:

There are a few NLP nuances which could be included into the suggestions which I will discuss in our Forum call tomorrow. This will be our featured topic for discussion, see you.

Splendid !
what else can I say!
I’ve corrected the case summary

one last thing I wanted to say is how much I appreciated your enthusiasm to learn this science, “श्रद्धावान् लभते ज्ञानं”

श्रद्धावान् लभते ज्ञानं तत्पर: संयतेन्द्रिय: |
ज्ञानं लब्ध्वा परां शान्तिमचिरेणाधिगच्छति || SBG 4.39||

keep it up my beloved @arvindhan15


Wonderful reading this Arvind. Keep healing people and stay blessed always.


This is what we all should be capable of doing. Changing the entire life of a person for the better in just one or two sessions. What could bring more joy ?


Thanks for the detailed reply and corrections and feedback Venu. Helps a lot for my future sessions :smiling_face:

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Hearty welcome to our forum Dear Arvindhan.
After reading your case, my immedate thought was ‘What an addition to our forum!’. Moreover hats off to your perseverance, and that too for your very first case. Many of us have faced such situations and felt a bit frustrated.
I will often quote your case indicating that you managed to cure such a serious eye problem and that too in your first case itself.


Wow!! Phenomenal . If this is your first case then I can imagine the way you can help people to heal.
PLRT has got a gem …

Congratulations for conducting the session so nicely and for the results the client got thats just outstanding … :clap:t2::clap:t2::clap:t2::clap:t2::clap:t2::clap:t2::clap:t2::clap:t2::clap:t2:


Wow so wonderful :blush::+1:


@arvindhan15 this is amazing and unbelievable. Thanks a lot for sharing with all of us.
Excellently conducted session. stress was handled well. Overall 5 stars.


Hi Arvindhan!

Congratulations on helping a human finally find peace, recovery and healing. Welcome to Amarantos. You did well with your dedication.