Chaos carried from multiple Lives

Theme: Chaos of Life

Session: 4 Sessions (7th & 8th September 2024)

1st Session: (Stage 1 to 5 on 7th Sep), 2nd Session: (Stage 6 to 9 on 7th Sep; History taking, Relaxing, Theme Finalization, & Check list)

3rd Session: (Stage 10 to 14 8th Sep), 4th Session: (Stage 14 & 15 8th Sep; Closure, Report, & Recommendation)

Client Details:

Client Name (Name changed for confidentiality): Alice

Age: 40+

Gender: F

Hypnotisability Score: 6

VAK Score: 743

Dominant Sense: Visual

Second Dominant Sense: Kinaesthetic

Eye Roll Test: 2

Pain Level Before: 8

Pain level After: 4

Alice Life History: Alice is a 42 year old lady who belongs to a moderate family and is a housewife. She grew in a big joint family and her uncle took care of her and siblings upbringing, study and marriage as her father died at early age. Her uncle didn’t marry to take care of her and siblings… She got married to a small family of husband, father-in-law, mother-in law, sister-in-law. Her mother-in-law died after few months of her marriage. She got son after few years of her marriage. Her husband family had many relatives around who used to interfere in her day-to-day life and used to create lots of chaos in her life. These relatives created lots of family disputes due property and relationship. Her sister-in-law and father-in-law added lots of fuel in fire to increase chaos to its peak, they all together took all the property and this lead to multiple legal fights. Now she and her husband are fighting legal case against other family members. This has brought lots of disturbance and she has loosed her mental peace. She wanted to know what the reason of chaos in her life is.

Induction: Dave Elman, Progressive relaxation,

Deepening: Staircase, Peace of garden, Tunnel of light.

C: is for client, T: is for Therapist

After entering into the trance

T: On a count of 5 to 1 Try to see your feet. what do you see? Are u wearing anything or bare foot? 5-4-3-2-1

C: I am bare foot and there are green grasses around my feet.

T: Try to see what do u wear.

C: I can’t see

T: Try to see your surroundings. What do you see?

C: I see few trees and small village.

T: On count of 3 to 1 let’s go Infront of your house. Try to see what kind of house is it? Is it a mansion, normal house or a hut or any different kind of house? 3-2-1

C: It is a mansion, lots of horses are running Infront of my eyes and there is a stable at the side.

T: Let’s go inside your house and try to see who all are there inside your house?

C: There are lots of butlers.

T: Try to find some known person inside your house.

C: There are lots of people at first floor. They all are happy to see me. It is some kind of party going on here.

T: Try to find out which year is it?

C: 1786

T: Try to know which place is it?

C: Scotland

T: Are you a man or a woman? What is your age?

C: I am a lady, and my age is around 35

T: Try to hear someone is calling your name. Are u able to hear any name?

C: No i can’t hear any name.

T: Ok let’s move on to next significant moment of this life. On count of 3 to 1 you will be able to see next significant moment of this life. 3-2-1

C: The whole village is burning. People are running here and there and shouting for help. There is lots of chaos. One lady is Infront of me with a man. She is asking for help but what kind of help i can do, i am not able to understand. I am feeling restless. I want to help but i can’t help. It’s not in my hand… i am not able to help

T: Try to recognise the lady and man… Are they any known person belongs to this life?

C: No i don’t know them but i am not able to help and i am feeling restless.

T: Ok, keep breathing deeply… whenever u feel uncomfortable focus on deep breathing. you will feel better…are you ok now then we will move ahead in time. let’s move to next significant event of this life on a count of 3 to1. 3-2-1. What do you see?

C: I am very old and lean my hairs are white. I am a rich lady. My son and his family are standing Infront of me. I have 2 grandsons

T: Are u able to recognise them any connection from this life?

C: My son of this life is my younger sister of the current life.

T: what is your age now?

C: Around 80 (abreaction: she is in emotional bust with mixed feeling happy as well as in tension later she told later she was trying to find her current life son in that life son, but it was her younger sister as her son)

T: On count of 3 to 1 try to see how do u die? (discomfort on face)

C: No answer

(After a pause when getting no answer i tried to take her to her childhood days of same life…)

T: Let’s move back to your childhood days on a count of 3 to 1 u will be able to see your childhood days. 3-2-1…where are you now?

(I asked client to go to childhood days of the same life in which she was in, but she has moved to another life which I realised slowly)

C: I am in a field there are lots of stone below my feet and lots of beautiful yellow grasses Infront of the me. I am very white and i have cubby chick.

T: How old are you?

C: I am 5 years old. I am very happy.

T: Is anyone around you? Try to find anyone.

C: No, no one is around me.

T: ok let’s move little ahead in time try to see next significant event of this life on a count of 3 to 1. 3-2-1. What do you see?

C: There is a teacher in this village. He teaches and gives knowledge to everyone. He teaches me also lots of things. (smile on the face)

T: Do you know him is there any relation of that teacher from current life?

C: He is my uncle who took care of me in this life.

T: Let’s try to see any other family members.

C: I can’t find anyone

T: Ok. Let’s move to next significant event of this life on count of 3 to 1 you will find yourself to next significant moment of this life. 3-2-1. Where are you? What do you see?

C: I am inside a factory. This is an Ink factory where we make ink.

T: Try to hear your name if anyone is calling.

C: This is my factory. People work over here and no calls me by name as i am the owner of this factory.

T: ok. How old are you?

C: I am 30 years old

T: Are you a man or a woman?

C: I am a woman.

T: Let’s go to your home and try to see who all there are at your house.

C: There is no one at my house as i didn’t marry.

T: Which Year is this?

C: 1891

T: Which Place is this?

C: some slave country. I am here to rule. Some revolt is going on outside. People are killing each other. Lots of chaos is going on. Lots of bloodshed is going on outside. Why these people are killing each other. I am feeling rest less.

T: Ok take deep long breath. Let’s move ahead in time and try to why this revolt is going on.

C: I don’t know.

T: Ok. On count of 3 to 1 we will move to next significant moment of this life. 3-2-1

What do you see?

C: I am very rich i have lots of money but i donated everything as Charity.

T: why did you do that?

C: society is changing very fast and lots of modernisation is going on. I don’t like modernisation, so i donated everything. I want to be simple.

T: What is next event in this life?

C: people are dying.

T: what happened to them?

C: Plague has got spread and everyone is dying. Even I got infected

T: what is your age?

C: I am 60-65 years old.

(Complete silence)

T: Where are you? what do you see?

C: I am at a railway station.

(She has moved to another lifetime.)

T: Which Place is this?

C: Gwalior

T: which year is this?

C: 1951

T: what is happening around?

C: My elder uncle has come to pick me. I am very happy. (Client is smiling)

T: Do u know him?

C: He is my uncle of current life.

(Note: Her uncle appeared in different lifetime as Guide, Teacher, & Guardian)

T: ok let’s move ahead in time and let’s go home. Try to see who all are there in the house?

C: I have very big family. My grandmother, uncle, aunt (bua) lots of people are there in the family but I am not able to see my mother.

T: Ok. Let’s move little ahead in time and try to see next significant event which happened in this life. On a count of 3 to 1 let’s see 3-2-1

C: Gang of 12 people have come and killing to everyone. Lots of blood i see lots of blood…every where

T: take long deep breath. If you are not comfortable just float around. Are you ok

C: yes

T: how old are you?

C: I am 31 years old.

T: Why are they killing to everyone? Who are they?

C: We were going for my husband’s brother marriage. They are robbers they have come to loot us, and they are killing everyone. They are killing all my family members one by one. Lots of blood everywhere my husband is also dead, and he is on my lap. They slit my throat. I am having pain in my throat. Complete silence…

T: Where are you now?

C: I am at Amravati (Amravati Maharasthra is her current birthplace. She has moved to her current life, so I planned to bring her back)

T: Let’s go back to Garden of peace. We will rest here for some time. Take your time to rest. A pause with silence…

T: In a moment you will see your guardian angel around. Do u see anyone around?

C: Yes

T: Let’s try to know why u saw so much bloodshed and chaos in so many life. What are you carrying from all of previous lives to this life?

C: Fear & chaos

T: On a count of 3 to 1 you will find yourself near a shower. This is shower of healing. You are taking bath in this shower of healing and slowly you are getting healed. Your Guardian angel is nearby. Take your time to get healed.

(After some time)

T: We will start now to return back. Whatever you have seen, you will remember everything in a peaceful manner.

T: On a count of 3 to 1 let’s go back to the garden. 3-2-1.

T: Now we will start to return. On count of 1to 5 u will reach to the staircase. 1-2-3-4-5

T: On a count of 1 to 10 let’s go up on the stair. 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10

Become aware of your surroundings. Whenever you are comfortable you can open your eyes.

(After some times. Once she is awake)

T: How are you feeling now?

C: I am fine only little heaviness around the eyes.

T: How do you take all the past events which came Infront of you as different lives memories in PLR?

C: I saw lots of chaos in every lifetime same has continued in this, I think I should seek for forgiveness, and I should learn to forgive.

Closure and Recommendation: Before Session client was filled with frustration and pain from fighting with the chaos of life. After session she realised that this is going on from many lives and now it’s time to come out from all disturbance of life and seek for forgiveness and learn to forgive everyone to bring peace in life. Meditation & Hoponopono prayer was suggested to client to do on daily basis to bring peace in life.


Congratulations on your first case Jagriti… you have helped the client see patterns and suggestions to help break them… well done

1 Like

Hi @jagriti.ritu ,
Overall the session was good.
Please find below my comments:

Grounding did well

Got a accurate engram…

Please avoid why questions as it invokes rational mind for answering it.

Why did you not explored that memory ? There is also something important event may had happened. Although its a current life but it still in the past…