Dissociation and Fiction: What am I?

Session I
Vitals: Tasha (Name changed)/F/42/Fashion Designer/Married
VAK: 10/10/2
Eye roll: 4/4
Hypnosis score: 4/10
Theme: Dissociation of identity
Pain level before: 5
Pain level after: 0
Conducted on: 10th and 11th September 2024

         T: Therapist
         C: Client

Case History:

Tasha is a happy soul. She has happy energy and is very curious. She is introvert but always looks at the bright side of life. Her inclination is to understand spirituality. She doesn’t like to talk much. In her leisure time she looks at the sky deeply trying to find out some answers. She usually stays within her thought. She sometimes feels that she has to find her identity. Exactly what is her real identity which she sees in her dream or what she has in the current life. She frequently dreams of being at unearthly places. In her dreams she is always among stars amidst twinkling and sparkling lights. She described a lot of codes and symbols which are of unknown origin and with shine and light. In her dreams she is getting message that she is here on a mission that she must complete the mission. In her dreams she always sees herself going somewhere unwillingly in a spaceship. She sees herself as a very intuitive since childhood and has healing abilities. She has energy in her hands and heals people. She always sees sky and two moons. She shared this with her parents. She has seen few psychologists but they suggested Past life regression to her.
Her family consist of mother, father, elder sister and herself. She had a very happy and fulfilling childhood. Born in USA. Shifted to India when she was 18 years old due to her parent’s work. She was a bright student during her school and college years. During her college years she suddenly changed her mind and studied Fashion designing although she originally wanted to become an astronaut. Today she is a renowned Fashion designer based in Mumbai.

After history taking I was hopeful that she could benefit from PLRT. I discussed the process with her and she agreed. I assured her that although she would be under hypnosis, she would have the power and the free will to opt out at anytime during the process if she felt so.

I assured her the oath of confidentiality that whatever transpires during the sessions would stay between us. She consented. (Completed stages 1-9)

Session II

We started with Dave Elman and continued with Progressive Relaxation, the Paradise of peace- the Garden. I decided to take her to a happy childhood memory, In-utero, LBL

At the age of 8
Her happy memories are of her school times. Her school was on a hilltop. During every break while other children played Tasha went scavenging for metal shards and shiny metallic objects. She was doing this so she could build a spaceship. One day she came across a very bright and luminous object. That was her happiest memory and she felt she was in the clouds. (She was looking exhilarated and her face was glowing with this feeling). However she didn’t know what to do with that object. She had always felt that it was her mission to build a spaceship and visit somewhere (which was not clear).

In- utero

T: What are you feeling?
C: There is darkness. I don’t know why I am sad and scared. Not feeling
T: How is your mother feeling?
C: Not good.
T: What happens next?
C: Not good. (She took a long pause). I am confused.
T: Do not worry. This is all coming from your mind. It is all important. It is all from you.


T: What do you see?
C:There are three doors but as I am coming near these doors, they merged into one which is carved My soul is in resting place. There are other souls too. I am feeling free and relaxed. Everybody is waiting for the review. There is a big hall with a transparent wall. They asked me why I have chosen this life. I am getting guidance to spread and receive love, to trust my intuition, and to work on the thoughts.
T: Is there any other life which is involved?
C: Yes

(Stages 10-11 completed)

My client was very curious to continue the session without break so I continued it. It was a continuation so I have not started with the induction again. She moves to past life directly and that’s why I have adjusted the different stages accordingly (Staircase-Garden-Cliff- Big and small boxes-Tunnel of light- Affect bridge).

Past Life

T: When I count from 1 to 3 forward in time Just allow yourself to go in this significant day or event where it has some memory. So, 1, 2, 3 Just be there now. What you sense/see/feel you are doing? Just expand your awareness. Where are you? What are you seeing?
C: There are stars in the distance.
T: What else?
C: There is a planet nearby. I might be on a ship.
T: What you notice about the planet? The shape, the colour…
C: It’s pale blue, swirling clouds, spherical.
T: Okay!
C: With a sun in the distance but not too far away.
T: So, you feel that you might be on a ship. Is that orbiting?
C: Passing by
T: Do you feel that you are moving fast?
C: No
T: Are you looking out of a window?
C: Yes, and I am feeling anticipation in my chest. I can’t tell if it is excitement or anxiousness.
T: All right take a nice deep breath and just let that go releasing just transmuting that. Just relax. What is the shape of the window that you might be looking out of?
C: It’s very wide, floor to ceiling, and it curves outward.
T: Do you sense if you are standing or sitting?
C: I am standing. It looks like I am on observation deck.
T: Do you feel that you are alone or with others? Do you sense others?
C: There are others. There is someone to my right talking to someone else. But one of them has green skin.
T: Are they wearing anything on their body?
C: Something like a spacesuit not for outdoors.
T: Is everyone wearing something different or similar?
C: Those two are wearing the same. I don’t see anybody else.
T: Does this feel like a big ship?
C: Yes
T: What else do you notice about the ship?
C: A lot of metal. Very cold. I don’t really like being there.
T: What is the reason you don’t like being there?
C: I am not sure.
T: All right let’s connect with your body. Look down at your feet. Just connect
with your body. Your arms … look at your arms. Look at your hands. What do
you notice?
C: They are lanky. They are also green. Four fingers, scales. spikes on the feet to stay balanced. I am also wearing something similar to the others.
T: What colour is that?
C: It’s greyish blue. with some lighter blue parts.
T: Does It feel like it has any type of technology?
C: A little bit
T: Like what?
C: For checking vitals
T: Is it necessary?
C: Because this is an experiment. The ship…our voyage.
T: Where are you going?
C: We just left that planet that I was looking at.
T: At the pale blue one? Tell me about that.
C: I don’t remember why we left but I am wondering if I made a mistake leaving.
T: Did it not go well?
C: I am not sure about the journey. I want to go back.
T: Back to the blue planet?
C: Yes, but I can’t.
T: About how many of your kind are on this ship?
C: Ten
T: Do you sense or feel that you have a gender?
C: I don’t
T: You don’t have a gender or your gender?
C: We don’t have a gender.
T: One of your partners there that’s beside you. Can you tell me what their face looks like? What sort of features you notice?
C: There is no nose, no hair, two eyes that are large and they are yellow.
T: Yellow eyes!
C: Yes, with red pupils that are slit like cat eyes.
T: All right let’s go ahead now and move ahead to your destination with the count of 1 to 3. So, 1, 2, 3. Before you arrive I want you to look out of that window and tell me what it is that you are seeing from higher perspective this journey voyage that you are taking that seems to be an experiment. Is there a destination?
C: Yes
T: Tell me about it.
C: We are going to other planet to study the people who live on it.
T: Is this, do you feel a more advanced race for you to learn from?
C: No, which is very different from us.
T: So how does that make you feel?
C: I am curious but also I am not sure that it will be worth the trip.
T: So as you are approaching this planet, are they expecting you?
C: No, we want to study them without them noticing us.
T: So you don’t land on their planet?
C: We do. We disguise ourselves.
T: What does this planet look like?
C: It’s Earth.
T: Tell me more where do you land.
C: A tropical forest, there is an ocean near by. That’s not a highly populated area because we don’t want people to see us land. The ship itself didn’t land. We are teleported to the surface from orbit.
T: When you do land on the ground at what point do you disguise yourself?
C: First we check our vitals so that we can survive without extra help. It seem fine and we do a little exploring first without disguising ourselves looking at
trees, plants, the animals.
T: How does that feel to see how different it is here on Earth?
C: I think it’s beautiful.
T: What kind of animals do you see?
C: There is a monkey with big orange eyes or lemur. Something with a long tail. There are birds. We hear a lot of birds. There are only three of us who landed.
T: Why did they choose you?
C: Because I know something about human’s life. I was studying it. I can help
and guide us in social interactions.
T: Tell me little bit about how you study Earth?
C: It is mostly texts from other species from other planets. So I mostly read about humans because it was fun and somehow I am here now. (laughs loudly) I never planned to. I think somebody else made me do this. I don’t have a choice.
T: Who made you do this?
C: It was somebody maybe the government. There was some pressure too like if I say no then it shows unwillingness to help my planet, my people, the Universe.
T: Tell me a little bit about the objective here when mentioned that you are
going to study this planet and the species here on Earth. What is it you want
to know?
C: I just want to know about the humans because they are very different and primitive. It’s a fascination for me. The government just wants to help and thinks the Earth needs our help. They think that if we don’t interfere Earth is
somehow going to pose a threat later on to other places in the Universe. I
can feel my legs are trembling a little.
T: Are you comfortable?
C: No
T: It’s just lot of energy right now. Are you okay? Inhale deeply and exhale slowly.
C: Yes
T: You check your vitals. You seem okay. You are exploring the land, the animals, the nature. What happens next?
C: One of the others is in charge of navigating. So they are getting our bearings and while they do that, me and other, the third person are getting into our disguises and that’s the use of technology too like a glamour. So that human perceive us as one of them.
T: So let’s start with the navigation. Is there some sort of device that you use that helps you to navigate on land?
C: Yes
T: What does that look like?
C: Looks like a hand held item and it shows the topography of the surrounding area and it can sense life forms through frequencies and since humans send a specific type of frequency. It’s tuned to humans so that we can find the nearest place.
T: When you begin to change into your disguised form, walk me through, what that looks like?
C: It’s a device that we have on our wrists and we just tap it. It might be a randomized thing that I think it’s around just randomized human attributes that are put together.
T: And it changes even the colour of your skin and the texture?
C: Yes
T: Is it some sort of illusion?
C: To us it is humans. It’s more like a full transformation if they were to touch us they would feel human skin. We are also taller than humans are, so will appear shorter.
T: How much taller are you than humans?
C: May be a foot not too much taller but we are a little bigger.
T: So now that you are disguised I would love to hear what do you look like
C; I look like a human male. Brown skin, Shoulder length black hair, straight.
Not wearing much just enough for some protection. Some may be animal
pelts. No shoes.
T: What is your reaction when you see this disguise? Is there an emotion at all?
C: When I look down at myself, it is mostly curiosity and I start to wonder already what it would be like to live as a human.
T: Does this navigation sense a place nearby?
C: Yes to the southeast.
T: Let’s go ahead and move ahead in time when I count from 1 to 3. So, 1, 2, 3. You are moving ahead to what happens next?
C: We are really fascinated with the hair. We get little distracted on the way looking at the fruits and trying those out. The studies that I have done that we know that it’s edible.
T: What is it you think you are eating?
C: Papaya
T: What does that taste like to you?
C: It’s too sweet. I like the texture.
T: What happens next?
C: I want to try and draw a flower that I found but our navigator is forcing us to move forward . They want to get to the village before the night fall.
T: Let’s go ahead and move ahead to when you do arrive or approach with the count from 1 to 3. So, 1, 2, 3. Do you have to approach carefully?
C: Yes
T: What is the reason?
C: Because human sentiments are isolated from each other and so strangers are suspicious.
T: What do you notice when you get close enough to this place? What does it look like?
C: They are grass hoods. Palm leaves on the ground. There is a big fire pit in the middle. Smells like they are cooking dinner. People are all walking around doing chores getting ready for the meal. I think it’s interesting that they have created homes on the Earth.
T: Who is in charge of yours?
C: I am in charge of human relations. I feel nervous while I try to figure out the best way for us to approach beside I decide that it’s best that they see us. Coming instead of sneaking in.
T: So let’s move to that moment that you are walking towards the village and they do see you when I count from 1 to 3. So 1, 2, 3. Who sees you first?
C: There is a man on the edge of the village. Sharpening a knife on a rock. He sees us but he is not moving as if he feels threatened and he actually looks curious not suspicious.
T: What does he look like?
C: He is similar to us. We have good disguises for this area. He has dark brown skin, long black hair. He has jewellery of some kind of organic material. I don’t know if it is teeth or stones. He calls to say something that gets the attention of others. So the whole village is starting to notice us as we get closer.
T: How many people are in the village?
C: 15-20. It seems a small village. There are a few children. And the person
who spotted us first he stands up and walks out to greet us. I really hope that our translator is accurate because I don’t actually know any human
T: So how do you communicate?
C: That’s also part of the technology that we have with us. It’s we speak but they hear human language. When we are close to him we can understand him.
T: What is he saying?
C: He is asking if we need help. He thinks we are lost in the forest. Which he is not exactly wrong.
T: What do you communicate?
C: We said, “We got separated from our group. We are looking for a big city.” He is offering us food.
T: How does that make you feel?
C: I am pleasantly surprised because I already had the impression that
humans are actually very nice but because of the nature of our mission I started to question that.
T: Let’s move ahead in time when I count from 1 to 3. So, 1, 2, 3. Tell me how long do you stay with them. What do you learn?
C: We stayed with them 15 days. We learned all of their names. We mostly
observe and learn about their life.
T: Is there anything that you offered to them?
C: Our Navigator tells them about lands that are further away than they are used to going and take one of them over to the ocean. Showing them some
reefs there. The Navigator turns in way more. I am actually not sure what the third person is mostly keeping to themselves. They are mostly there for protection and they don’t have much interest in humans. I got really absorbed in just watching the humans interacting with them and learning about them.
T: So go forward in time after 15 days, when I count from 1 to 3, So, 1, 2, 3. What happens next?
C: During the nights when the humans would be sleeping we didn’t have to sleep as much so we would explore a little further and eventually we are able to get far enough. There is a larger settlement of humans further south.
T: How are they different, the new settlement?
C: There is more of a city which is what we were looking for.
T: Tell me about this city and the people in it?
C: They use brighter colours and their jewellery, they use dye in their clothing. There is running water. They have better technology. It seems there are more people. Some who have wealth and some who don’t.
T: Do you re-disguise yourself?
C: We change our clothes. We don’t see a point in changing how we look though.
T: What else do you learn there?
C: I am curious about the dying process of the clothing and of the economy.
There is currency. It was also much easier to go around without getting
noticed. We are trying to figure out how to talk to may be the person who is in charge. But it seems like it’s not easy to do.
T: What do the structures look like in this city?
C: Pyramid-esque made of stone. It seems it’s like right in the middle of a forest around it. There is a big waterfall nearby.
T: Is there a reason the Navigator choose this particular place on Earth?
C: I don’t know.
T: Do you know where you are?
C: I believe it’s South America.
T: Do you know when you are?
C: No, it’s a very long time ago around 2900 years ago I guess.
T: So how much time you spend in this city?
C: The number 20 is coming to my mind. I don’t know if it’s months or
years the time on Earth moves differently so we don’t have a strong sense
of how it moves.
T: Is this a goal to actually remain in the city and live there?
C: Yes, we were supposed to live among human as humans.
T: Where do you stay? Is it necessary for you to have one?
C: Yes, just one small room, stone walls, and stone floor, the simple bed mats. All three of us stay there. I wanted to learn weaving.
T: Are you reporting back to your ship?
C: The ship is still in orbit so we are still in regular communication. We report
back they can transmit out reports back to our home planet.
T: Are you receiving direction based findings?
C: After spending sometime there we are told to go to another location further North.
T: Do you go on foot?
C: No, we are going to be brought back to the ship and transport it.
T: So move ahead in time when I count from 1 to 3, So, 1, 2, 3. Tell me about where is the next destination?
C: Europe. I think we spent sometime on the ship.
T: What was the purpose of that?
C: We are monitoring from a far. There was no imminent threat basically. So we were told to just monitor and then in new era they wanted us to go.
T: Okay, let’s move ahead . let’s continue moving ahead when I count from 1 to 3. So, 1, 2, 3 and tell me what you learn about. When you arrive where do you go in Europe and does this seem like a more advanced time?
C: It’s more advanced. It’s very grim. It’s harder to breathe. Very cloudy. It looks very bleak compared to the last time we were on Earth it does.
T: What are you there to learn?
C: The orders are the same as before, live among humans as humans. We
need to learn about the new technologies they have and may be I guess human intentions that we learned very quickly that humans don’t have any intention beyond this planet still.
T: How are they dressed?
C: A lot more clothing, hats, trousers, jacket, long dresses.
T: How do you disguise yourself this time?
C: We disguise ourselves like the people who live here again. This time it’s pale skin. I have red hair. I wanted red hair because I think it’s pretty. I have a female body but dressing like a man.
T: Is there a reason for that?
C: I suddenly feel the impulse to. I think I feel a little judgemental towards humans. Because I am noticing that for some reason the women are in these uncomfortable outfit. They can barely move in, can’t breathe in. It’s the first time that I feel condescending towards humans. The last time we were there I was very respectful of their customs. It seems like they are torturing themselves for some reason.
T: All right let’s go ahead now when I count from 1 to 3. So, 1, 2, 3. We are going to return to your planet when this experiment is over and as you journey back how many place did you actually visit?
C: Each continent.
T: Looking back you visited different timelines as well. Which one was your favourite?
C: Strangely it was Europe.
T: Why is that?
C: It was the most exciting. I felt the strongest emotions there. It felt like that was the only time that I personally had some kind of mission for myself and that the rest of the journey felt obligatory with small- small pieces of things. but mostly it felt that I had been forced and I was there out of obligation. But in that era there are things that I wanted to challenge and I ruffled some feathers.
T: What did you do?
C: I assumed the name and identity of a woman but openly dressed as a man and I acted like a man. I had a small career as an entertainer. I get into altercations.
T: What made you choose a female body dressing like a man? How did you come up with that idea?
C: It was because I think, I choose, a female body because I wanted to see what it was like to be a female. But then I saw how females were being treated in that era . I guess, I was rejecting the customs. the culture. I was living specifically to challenge that culture and I thought that was the most worthy thing that I did on the whole trip because at least I caused some humans to question the way the things were.
T: I am so curious while you were in these human disguises did you have
relationships with other humans?
C: Yes, that was part of the experiment.
T: What was that like for you? Did you feel emotions that you normally didn’t feel from your planet?
C: I felt strong emotions from the humans. But I had a hard time reciprocating to the same intensity. It felt like I was experiencing Earth like in a dream a little detached because I didn’t feel. I don’t live there so I know that eventually I will go home so I don’t have to heist. I know it’s not high stakes for me. It never really got beyond fascination.
T: Now let’s go ahead and return when I count from 1 to 3. So, 1, 2, 3. We are now returning to your planet. Tell me what that’s like for you when you finally return?
C: Strangely, I feel very similar to when I left. I thought that I would feel relieved.
T: Describe your planet to me as you are landing your ship. What do you see out there? What does the view look like?
C: It’s a primarily pale blue planet with white and grey clouds, spherical, it has a neighbouring planet that we can see is a kind of rust colour, and the atmosphere is heavier than Earth’s. It feels more tingly, it does.
T: Is it more of a city structures? Do you see structures, other ships or is it more barren?
C: City structures, the surface looks barren. The cities are underground.
T: What is the reason they are underground?
C: The weather on the surface is pretty volatile but it’s peaceful beneath.
T: Is it cavernous down there? Tell me more about it.
C: There are parts that look like caves and other parts it just looks like you are underwater. There is nothing visible that keeps the water from coming down on you but there are areas that don’t have water in them. In some areas there is no sky. It’s like a stone very- very high stone ceiling with big rock formations and then in other areas it’s more like a bright glowing blue from the water. Sunlight moving through the water. That’s my favourite area to be in my city because it’s very pretty. But we have cities that are built within. These air pockets and caverns, the layout surely wouldn’t make sense to humans. Gravity doesn’t work exactly. I don’t think it would be similar to maybe suburbs by human standards. But they are literally floating pieces of
the city that are separate. You can see them in the distance.
T: Do you know what planet are you on?
C: Uranus
T: What star system you live in?
C: Outer solar system. Arcturus star system is the word that is coming into my mind.
T: When you do return is there anyone that you report to? Is there some government or some sort of council?
C: Yes
T: Are they expecting to see you?
C: Yes, but I am more excited to talk to my friends and colleagues about what I experienced. But I feel a sense of failure almost standing before the council.
T: What is the reason of that?
C: They never fully knew what they wanted from me and I don’t have any big findings to bring back to them. I don’t think I did good enough. But I also don’t know what I was supposed to do besides what I did. As I tell them about it. They don’t show much emotional response. They just listen. I think if they do this again they probably won’t pick me like how I picked someone else. I have to look within but I think having that energy to connect and channel back in and might be helpful.
T: How do you communicate?
C: Telepathy. It is by the thoughts.
T: What happens next?
C: They ordered to throw me out of the planet and punish me because I have not used my intuition. They banned me. They are saying I have sinned.
T: Let’s go ahead when I count from 1 to 3. So, 1, 2, 3 and we are going to scan the remaining years. What are you seeing?
C: I am at the red planet, Mars.
T: Tell me more about it.
C: Here is a huge field. I have spiked legs. I am wearing something of leather.
My face is deformed. I am slouching. I have long legs with blue nerves. We are very few. We have no gender. We don’t share any relationship bond here. We make caves and live here. A lot of asteroids falling here. We don’t die but getting destroyed by the asteroids. It is extremely hot here.
T: How do you protect yourself from the heat?
C: With the water. There is water in the cracks of the caves. Due to that soil cools down.
T: What do you need for survival?
C: We don’t need anything for the survival. We just eat the soil a little. We get energy.
T: How do you communicate?
C: We talk to each other by thoughts. Telepathically.
T: What you do there?
C: Nothing. Here we don’t have to cook or work like materialistic world.
T: Why you are at Mars?
C: To learn nothingness.
T: How the new ones like you are created there?
C: We don’t get birth here. We grow like plant on the land. We are formed by soil, moisture, nickel, iron, sulphur, chromite, magnetite, ilmenite, hematite, and other minerals. But we have threat of asteroids. When they fall on us our bodies break down without any pain. (She looks stiff)
T: Now you may move to the circumstances or event that lead to your end (death) and to the death experience when I count from 1 to 3. So, 1, 2, 3. Detach yourself from any discomfort. (Silence)
C: I am destroyed due to asteroid fall.
T:As you pass from that life, you may float safely and gently above your body and above the life, going to that timeless place and placeless time where all things are revealed clearly in all their fullness. Just look up and you will see a beautiful white light. This is a very healing and a very loving white light It is the light of your higher self so just drift up and merge into this white light.

Now, that you are in the consciousness of the higher self, where there is no pain, no grief and no emotion and the higher self has all the knowledge of all lives, from the higher self find out…

T: What was the year of your death in that lifetime and a number will just flash in your heart. Give it to me as it comes.
C: 29th century B.C
T: What is the main lesson/ purpose of that lifetime?
C: To experience nothingness, and to learn detachment. It is the best way to learn.
T: What does your past life communicate to your present life self?
C: On the Earth people have burdens of emotion, feelings, attachment, power, e.t.c. We don’t work on emotion and feelings. We are trapped and torturing ourselves in the materialistic things. We have to work on our thoughts.
T: Ask the higher self whether your issue is coming from a past life and if so how many past lives are involved?
C: No other life is involved.
T: Now look into the eyes of that past life self from your present eyes and send your blessings, love and compassion. Bless that part of you and let it fade. Bring back with you only that which is helpful and beneficial for you in this life. You may release other feelings, memories, impressions now.
(I used affect bridge then garden to bring back the client in her consciousness)
T: Now in a moment I am going to count you out from 1 to 5 at 5 you will open your eyes feeling very good about yourself. So start coming up with 1, feeling fine, fresh, relaxed, coming up higher with 2, with all the bodies and personalities of yours Tasha integrated with the physical body, further up with 3, with no pain or discomfort whatsoever, higher up with 4, feeling fully integrated and eyes open wide awake with 5… 1,2,3,4,5, eyes open, wide awake with a smile on your face.

(Completed stage 12 to 15)

T: How are you feeling Tasha?
C: I am feeling great, thanks for the session. I am amazed I was an alien!
T: Great! Focus on your present life. Trust yourself and love yourself. Have you got the solution of your issue?
C: Yes, I am feeling happy and content. Before the session I was lost somewhere. But now I am feeling good. Found myself finally. I understood why I opted fashion designing instead of being an astronaut. In all my disguises I was attracted to the attire and looks only. Thank you for helping me find myself. I have been living in a confused and contradicted state of mind for a long time. Things are clear now. I am extremely satisfied with the way things have progressed. Your sessions have been very helpful and satisfactory.
T: I hope from now you will trust your inner self, intuition, creativity and healing powers. Thank you so much! It was a beautiful session.

I have emailed all the relevant reports and recommendations to her.

Closure: It was a beautiful experience (case study). This showed us how different realms help us understand things. My client was very clear about that Earth is a place where anybody can learn things. She wanted to learn quickly and revisit her planet to continue her work. Souls have to evolve. Earth is a temporary stage. Tasha told a very interesting thing that she is slouching a little in this life and she had seen many doctors but no concrete results were found. She relates it with the life on Mars. She was slouching because there is no antigravity muscles. We have seen when astronauts go to space and after returning back on Earth they find their body is also slouching a little as our antigravity muscles hold our body up against gravity and supports us. But when Tasha was on Mars she didn’t have this muscle to support her body. Lastly she talked about some minerals by which aliens are created. Finding these she was very happy because these facts show that she lived that life.

Event Dissociation of identity
Subjective Interpretation Confusion and uncertainity
Conflict Fear of uncertainity
Decision made to resolve conflict To experience nothingness
                             To learn detachment

                             To trust intuition|

|Script| Difficulty in accepting her own
thoughts and identity|
|Pain Assessment||
|Before sessions|5|
|After sessions|0|


@archana.singh.gupta My God! I felt I’m watching the movie ‘Jaadoo’ or ‘ET’ this is unimaginable, truly amazing. What an experience you’ve had. Unbelievable. I was completely bowled over by this.


This was amazing!! Especially the way you leading and grounding. I learned some grounding techniques reading your case. Thank you again.

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Amazing session! Very well done.


Such an amazing session… it felt like a movie or novel unfolding


Wow congratulations admiration only for how you conducted the session just allowing the client to take the lead without interference! On a topic that was literally out of this world.
Your post took me on fantastical ride! What narration… career option change :rofl:


Phew…what an exp…it was as if I am seeing something like 'Avatar '…live…right here…best was that they grow like plants and don’t give birth to young ones…eat a but if soil to survive…it was a very smooth fantastic ride…!!

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Wow… wow… wow… @archana.singh.gupta
It’s like reading science fiction novel…
The way you have done grounding, pacing and leading it’s exceptionally well… Congratulations on this successful case…

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Wow so detailed and beautiful. Both of you must feeling wonderful at the end of the session.

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