Echoes of Betrayal: A Journey Through Lives

Client details : Hardik, 55/M, Eye roll : 3/4 , VAK : 9/5/0, Hypnotisability score : 8/10, Fear of Connection

Hardik has faced multiple betrayals in his life and now fears making connections or friends.


T: This is what the therapist said.
C: This is what the client said.

Hardik is the owner of a multimillion-dollar business, and he is my first Client after the PLRT Training Program. During the process, we followed stages 1 to 9, and while taking his history, I learned that he has faced many betrayals in life since childhood. He lost his father at the age of 9 and has only 2-3 memories of him. His mother took over the business, but the business partner became greedy and asked for an increase in his partnership stake. Hardik’s family raised the partner’s stake from 20% to 40%, but his greed knew no bounds, and he eventually demanded 50% of the company’s shares along with their personal property. When Hardik’s family refused, the partner began blackmailing them by threatening to transfer their customers to a rival company. With no other option, they had to meet his demands. Even after getting everything he wanted, the partner betrayed them and transferred major Hardiks to the rival company. Hardik, who was just entering the business, was deeply hurt by this betrayal.

The story doesn’t end here. Hardik also faced betrayal from his friends. He had a few friends who were slightly wealthier than him, and one day they teamed up and did something that broke his heart. After that, he never formed any close friendships. Currently, he has only one friend who lives in Gujarat, but they are not in regular contact.

A few years later, when he started managing the business on a full scale, he faced another betrayal from his partners. Among the three partners, two of them teamed up and started making deals behind his back without his knowledge. This pattern of betrayal continued throughout his life. Now, he has become so skeptical that he is afraid of making new friends or connections, and he doesn’t even feel like going to the factory anymore.

After taking his history, I confirmed that this was a typical PLRT case, and we needed to address the issue by exploring his past life.

We began with the Dave Elman induction, followed by progressive relaxation, the staircase technique, the paradise of peace, the tunnel of light, and using the affect bridge, we made a connection to the past life.

Therapist (T): Whenever you are ready, you can tell me what comes to your awareness…

Client (C): I can see a lady.

T: Okay. Can you look down and tell me what you are wearing?

C: I am wearing payal and bangles (Rajasthani silver ornaments).

T: Can you look around and let me know what is nearby?

C: I am in a house… alone…

T: What is your name… what do people call you in that life?

C: Seema.

T: Okay. Now you can go to dinner time and let me know what comes to your awareness.

C: I am at the dinner table… Food is there…

T: Can you tell me who is with you at the dinner table?

C: My husband… we are sitting apart… having food…

T: Apart from your husband, is there anyone else present there?

C: No.

T: Okay. Now you can go to another significant event in that life, Seema.

C: I can see my husband with another woman… he left me for her… I am alone.

T: What are you feeling in this moment?

C: I am very sad… feeling betrayed…

T: You are seeing your husband with another woman, and he left you for her. You are feeling alone and sad. Can you tell me who they are in your current lifetime?

C: I think they are my uncle and aunt.

T: How is their relationship now, and how is your relationship with them?

C: They love each other, and with me, they have a good relationship, but not a great one.

T: Now I want you to go to another significant event in Seema’s lifetime.

(This time, Hardik goes into an earlier memory of that lifetime.)

C: I am at my marriage… My husband is beside me…

T: How does your marriage look?

C: It’s a normal marriage.

T: How old are you, can you tell me?

C: Maybe 12-13 years old.

T: Can you look around to see if there is any date or place mentioned?

C: 1865… it’s in Rajasthan…

T: How are you feeling?

C: I am not happy… but I have to do this marriage…

T: Now I want you to go to another significant event in that lifetime.

C: I am with my parents now… they are convincing me to get married…

T: What are you feeling at this moment?

C: I feel betrayed… and sad… They are marrying me off at a very young age…

T: You are with your parents, and they are trying to convince you to get married, but you feel betrayed because you are very young. Can you go to another significant event in that lifetime?

C: I can see my husband with that lady again…

T: What are you feeling in this moment?

C: I feel sad… I don’t have a child… that’s why he doesn’t love me… (This realization suddenly comes from Hardik.)

T: Please go to another significant event.

C: I am very old now… in a small house…

T: How old are you, and is there anyone else in the house with you?

C: I am 55 years old… and no one is there… I am alone…

T: What are you feeling?

C: I am feeling alone and sad…

T: Seema, go to the last moment of that lifetime…

C: I am in bed… lying… alone…

T: What else is coming to your awareness?

C: I am peeing in the bed…

T: If you feel any discomfort, float above and observe.

C: I am with the light now… I am light… there are many lights around me…

T: Overview your life and let me know what you have learned…

C: I should have forgiven people…

T: What is it that you are carrying into this lifetime?

C: The feeling of being alone and that anyone can betray me.

T: Is there a master present there?

C: Yes… he is big and has a long white beard… he is in white clothes…

T: Can you ask for his guidance?

C: He is saying to forgive people.

T: Okay. Will you be able to forgive people now?

C: Yes… I can try…

T: Do you want to come back?

C: Yes…

I slowly awakened him. After awakening, he was very happy with the session and more at peace. He said he would forgive everyone now.


Hey Harie congratulations on your first session. I can see you have put a lot of effort into it.I was thinking that maybe you could explore the scenes a little more, try and get more elaborate answers.It’s just a thought what do you think?


@Jasmine , thanks for your valuable feedback… I totally agree with you but this time we had some timebound issue and wanted to wrap it as soon as possible. Hence whatever we got we worked on it only. But with next sessions it will be going to more elaborate only…

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@HarieMore wishing you all the best with your future sessions and I am so sure we are only progressing and evolving every day as a human and as a therapist. Thank you for sharing your journey as it helps me progress too. Loads of gratitude.

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Awesome Hari! You’ve had this healing energy, with much patience, in our training in Bangalore, I felt strongly! God bless and keep treading! Be well!!..:).

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Well done my beloved Harie,

Good observation of the pattern

Your did well in calibrating the right suggestions, even though you’ve hit a jackpot of having a very visual client.

Good I of IDT and grounding

but avoid using words as “okay” you could have done some stress management and then paraphrased instead. Read more here.

getting to know the social structure of the sub-personality like a pro!

T: Can you tell me who is with you at the dinner table?
“table” did the client say they were sitting on one?
avoid leading questions.

might have been a bit premature as there could a loss of trance when we try to bring them into the current life’s context. this was a good questions at PD or generally it’d automatically surface.

it’d have been better to empathise here instead of discounting this important feeling and asking them to move to “another significant event” may be making them feel that this wasn’t significant
Remember this is the trapped energy which needs to be transmuted.

good Disidentification.

was a bit leading, it could have been “what comes to your awareness” or “do you feel the presence of anyone else?”

this was like gold came to your hands and we threw it away as ore and hence the word, “I can try!”

We should let everything emerge from within the client, for example here we could have suggested “allowing your sub. con. mind to bring into your aware on what is that you need to experience in order for you to let go of this feeling…”

all in all being your 1st time, you’ve done phenomenally well my beloved Harie, I look forward to your next sessions which overcome some minor issues that you had in this one.


Dear @venu , Thank you so much for your precious time and comments. This was much needed as I was not sure what errors I had made and where can I improve. Was awaiting for your feedback. I will make note of each point and improve in next session. Thanks a ton.


@Hiren , Thank you so much for the kind words and encouragement…


Harie more well-done you able to connect with pattern and the client could understand how important is forgive people and let go, congratulations for the first case successful executed