Embrace Life, Cherish Love, and Treat Yourself to a Massage!

Hello Ann,

Very well for the case report. Below are my learnings for your consideration please,

We assess the score out of 15.

Distilled two worded theme, K client.

Good to know the effects that Progressive Relaxation and Body Scan with Visualization of light can produce.

Apt for K client.

We could have added some notes about Madhu and Pavan for better understanding.

Consider adding the exact feeling fear/lack of self love etc (as per the theme) for which we are attempting to reach the source.

Could we explore about this someone?

We recom to avoid the Why questions.

On Why to avoid the Why.

We are processing the present life only of the client.

Good approach to strengthen the past trauma experiecne.

I am not sure of marking these present life experiences as KMFs.

Consider paraphrasing based on last response of client and reframe the suggestion with What instead of Why.

We could have attempted to explore the pain being experienced and perhaps try to use it as Affect Bridge.

He is blessed to have the presence of divine energies.

We definitely would recommend to avoid such suggesstions.

Consider keeping the suggestion open ended.

We need to empathise here with client’s experience of inability when he is attempting to explore. Its definitely Not Alright from his perspective.

Profound. :pray:

We recommend to avoid suggestion which can turn the session into an experience for the client.
The learnings has to come from their super consciousness in auto mode,

We ought to process this aspect in History taking stage.

We may avoid these.

See , the divine has auto brought the learnings for the client.

Very well for the pain level from 8 to 2. with the client experiencing
the divine wisdom.

You may connect with client and consider further sessions to access Past Life/ Lives and bring the pain level to zero.

Best Regards,


:maple_leaf: :maple_leaf: :maple_leaf: