Theme: Understanding the blockages in life; Relationship blocks

Dear Swat ,

Thanks for the response.

As regards your question Why to Avoid Why the key lies in the aspect of PLR that we are attempting to reach the subconscious through the conscious.

We need the mighty Sub C which holds the data bank of traumas of multiple lifetimes as well as the wisdom or the solution for those energies experienced during traumatic events and trapped in us.

The conscious is only to be employed in a limiting role, as a gateway to reach the storehouse and retrieve the memories. However we need not and pref avoid to stir up its cognitive faculties (thinking, reasoning etc ) which may hamper the session.

I would request you to kindly go through the Induction chapter of Handbook by the respected and revered Dr Lucas. Snapshot of same is as under.

Best Wishes and Regards,


:maple_leaf: :maple_leaf: :maple_leaf: