Healing relationships

Clients name: Yangchen
Age: 26
Gender : female
VAK 546
Eye roll: 1
Pain level 7

Session conducted 2 September 24

First session. 7 hrs

Yangchen was interested in Plrt after hearing my experience and regression story and, although she didn’t feel like she had big issues some relationships in the family with close members troubled her constantly and she felt she could just explore it.
Following the 15 stage protocol where I started by sharing the background and scientific evidence on the benefits success and more importantly the basis of Plrt, since she was very curious about the science behind it. I shared with her all the information that was, available to me from the workshop and she, was even more convinced on the efficacy of the sessions.
Since Yangchen was very open and keen to start we proceeded as the only fear she had was not being able to cope with dangerous or fearful scenes which I assured her we would be able to process and move forward with.
After this we completed stage four which is to sign the client contract completed the checklist on stage five and then did the history taking.
Step 6 history taking.
Client started with her childhood memories being quite vague unsure and scatterred but as, we proceeded she, was able to remember and recall much information that, she was surprised to access after so many years of having surpressed them.
Yangchen had lost her mother at a very young age and could not remember the tragic event but the absence of a mother and being in the care of her grandparents although very loving and warm left her feeling a bit estranged from her father.
Her father got married again and after this she lived with her father although she always preferred to be with her grandparents as she felt closer to them.
Her childhood seemed happy from the surface but through history taking she, was, able to now access surpressed sadness confusion and anger and became very very emotional and we spent many hours just sorting through these very strong emotions allowing for time and space and patience as, she just relived her childood again.
Going through the pain and separation and adjusting to the new dynamics of her father’s, second marriage all the while still feeling so much loyalty to a mother who had passed and yet wanting so much to be accepted in the new scenario. Navigating through all new awareness of flooding emotions took many hours.
Although we had already set a theme which was to address the issues of the continuous conflict and resentment she felt from her aunt and cousin whom she interacts with closely we were able to dive deeper through history taking into other areas which could have contributed unconsciously to her over all interactions and relations with those close to her so we set the theme for healing relationship.
Stage 7 relaxed the cognitive fatigue by watching the vedeo.
Stage 8
Set the theme on healing elationships.
Stage 9 checked comfort level and also let her know she could get up and use wash room or drink water anytime she needed which is what I let clients know so that they can be reassured that they can be easily taken back to hypnotic trance.
Stage 11
I explained the whole process of hypnosis before starting and briefly went through process step by step.
We began with Dave Elman then went into cosmic awareness deep relation and garden of paradise and then to happy memories from childhood and then into cliff visualisation. Client fell asleep several times and I allowed ten twenty minutes at a time as the history taking brought back too many emotions and I felt the rest would benefit her.
She came out feeling very good.


Yangchen came in ready to go into PLRT and after briefly chatting about her experience the previous day and preparing her we proceeded with Dave Elman the ball of light garden of paradise and progressive relaxation again before I could even proceed to v take her across the bridge she was already seeing images lights and sensations!!! So I just followed along letting her proceed.
C. I see lights yellow colour
T. Just follow the lights and whatever it is you see
C. It’s a flower now
T. Ok are you inside or outside
C. I think I am looking at something bright
T. Just be there seeing what you see feeling what you feel
C. Oh looks like the sun! Seems I am heading towards it I am driving a big bus.
T. OK just be there doing whatever you are doing just follow along.
C. I am bus driver in India I have left my village came to the city
T. Can you tell which year which city
C. Not sure
T. That’s fine just be there noticing anything else that comes up giving you clues on the place
C. I know it’s a long time ago I can see myself using the a phone in the middle of nowhere to try and call someone in the town to convey a message.
T. I am driving a big bus full of people
C. Your driving a big bus full of people notice anything significant in that scene anyone you recognise,
T. No it’s just passengers strangers no one I know
C. That’s OK just be there
T. Continue to be there seeing hearing anything you need to.
C. Now I am outside there’s a huge crowd they are all shouting very angry.
T. Who are they shouting at.
C. They are screaming shouting very angry more people are coming I am scared they are so angry with me.
T. Just be there observing the scene everyone is angry shouting screaming at you continue to be in that scene feeling scared
C. I can’t they are all coming to attack me.
T. Be there just continue to observe the scene even though your scared and people are coming to attack you I am here beside you they cannot harm you in this space just observe them.
C. I ran over someone and the crowd is gone crazy I want to come out I cannot handle this is too scary.
T. The crowds gone crazy and attacking you just rise above the scene like a observer and just know that you are a witness to what is happening but you cannot be harmed your safe here with me and together we can go through this scene.
C. I am too scared please take me out.
T. OK just breathe deeply in a few moments we will come out of trance as I count from 1 to 10.
I concluded this session shortly as Yangchen was extremely distressed and disturbed.
On coming out I let her vent her fear worries and after she settled we continued our conversation.
C. It was so scary I had run over someone in a bus stop and the preps were furious there was a lady who looked like the aunt I have a problem with in this life she, was shouting and gathering crowds to beat me up.
T. Why was she instigating the crowds .
C. I think it was her son but I was too afraid to look and if I had injured him or killed him I didn’t want to know it was so scary.
T. It seems so since you were unable to proceed with the session.
C. I was, so scared I thought I never want to have another session again and I will just leave.
T. I am sure it must have been frightening and, seeing something like this reliving reexperiencing such frightening states are definetly unbearable but how do you feel right now that you are awake conscious alert are you still frightened.
C. Much better now thank goodness
T. Good to hear. Could you just go back whenever your ready take your time and relate all the events and images you saw let’s go through it together and maybe see more details more emotions fears whatever comes up let’s go through it together now.
So we went through the whole scene again but this time she was finding it so different, and was able to distance herself and experience the same scenarios without fear or panic and through this, was able to see how effectively successfully she had accessed a past life and through this very real experience regained the confidence that she would be able to handle any “scary” situations.
So we scheduled another session a week later.

Session 3 10 September
Client Yangchen arrived and was a little nervous in case she saw scary images again and I assurred her that even if she did it would be even better as she was capable of coping with it!!! And would help to heal and reconcile issues even better! So on that positive note we started the session.

Dave elman progressive relaxation the garden of paradise and again before we even crossed the bridge.
C. I am in a boat in the sea. I love the sea I feel free
T. Ok your in the sea is there anyone with you what are you doing
C. I am a fisherman
T. Ok anything else that’s coming up
C. I fish for a living
T do you know which country year.
C. No seems to be in the Mediterranean area
T. Ok just be there feeling free in the open sea your a fisherman so where in the Mediterranean area.
Before I could say anything else.
C. I see myself as a boy
T. How old are you
C. 9 10 years old.
T. What are you doing
C. I am jumping off the cliff into the sea I am so happy so happy.
T. OK you are happy.
C. I am holding a boys hand we are jumping together this is the best time of my life.
T. Ok your happy holding a friends, hand and jumping off the cliff just continue to be there
C. Omg I like this boy I am in love with him.
T. Ok you in love with this boy just be there let whatever comes up come up just being here in this place and time allowing whatever comes up.
C. How is it I am a boy and I like this other boy.
T. Just be there as you are allowing whatever comes up to be. Nothing to do just witnessing observing perhaps we can move forward in time to a significant time in this boys life as I count from 5 to 1 be there
C. I am married I have a wife and child but my wife looks very unhappy I look unhappy I don’t like her.
T. Both you and your wife look unhappy is there anything you can see anything else that’s coming up.
C. I can see my mother in law she doesn’t like me I think she knows something.
T. Just be there you married to a, woman you don’t like with a mother in law who knows something do you have any idea what that could be.
C. My mother in law suspects I am gay and that I just married her daughter because I was afraid of what the community would say she knows but she can’t tell her daughter as it would kill her.
T. Just be there in the scene whatever comes just let it be.
C. My parents arranged this marriage and the in laws agreed as they were poor and I was from a rich family it seems, my parents also suspected and they were afraid of the stigma as it is way back in time when such things were not accepted.
T. OK. Anything else coming up.
C. I love going out to sea with the other fisherman as the man I love is always there together.
T. Does the other man know about your love for him.
C.no I cannot tell him he is, happily married and not interested at all. It’s just me.
T. Can you take a closer look to if any of the people you see are from this present life.
C. Omg my wife is my cousin who hates, me and the mother in law is my aunt who can’t stand me!!! It makes so much sense now omg no wonder they behave the way they do to me. It’s so clear.
T. Just take in everything that you are realising and connecting and take as much time as you need and whenever your ready we can move ahead.
C raises her finger after a few minutes.
T. Let’s now go to the end of your life as I count from 5 to 1 what do you e.
C. My son is there with his wife.
T. Is there anything you could learn from this life that you can connect with or carry over to this present day.
C. Even though I didn’t like my wife and was forced to marry I could have been a, better kinder more attentive family man. I could also have shown more courage inspite of the circumstances I could have been kinder.
T. Now that you have the clarity and have connected the dots as to why your aun’t and cousin hate you is there anything you can do differently.
C. I am not sure right now but at least i have an understanding as to why they hate me so much and from this, past life I can see where it is coming from and at least understand them more.
T. Is there anything else you need to know or reconcile
C. No I think I have gained much insight now.
T so now having witnessed and, seen everything you needed to address you ready to proceed back to the garden.
C. Yes
T. In a few moments I am going to count from 1to 5 you can slowly visualise a path crossing over the bridge and taking you back to the garden of paradise. 54321 there.

I ended the, session connecting her to the masters and guides asking for thier continued help and support and after counting up from 1to 10 brought Yangchen out of trance.
.yangchen was, shocked and surprised to experience this last life but it brought so much clarity to her current issues and she now understood where and why they continued to feel the way they did about her.
For herself she, was able to put a closure to her own feelings and no longer resented them for the way they behaved.
I suggested that she could continue to practice understanding and remind herself whenever she is triggered that this came from karmic past so that she could continue to support herself in case of future relapse into old patterns of thinking.
I also suggested she keep an open mind and heart as with PLRT changes continued to take place and shifts happen as, soon as one is able to put a closure.
I assured her if my support if she needed it.
She, was very pleased and blown away with the experience.
I summarised and discussed the whole report together.


As mentioned in the beginning of the report that the client did not have big issues but wanted to explore the troubled relationships with some close members. And so it was.
The insight she got about present life relationships from the past lives will surely help to ease the anxieties experienced in the current life.

A suggestion for the part quoted below:

If you come across such situation, you may request the client to ask for forgiveness from the past life persona for the way she unwittingly treated the past life wife. Any mother knowing what the mother-in-law guessed would hold grudges and here too praying for forgiveness from the client’s end sends the message to the universe.
Please keep us posted as to how the relationships are faring in the long run.


Thank you for your feed back. Will keep you posted

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Thank you for having reached out my blessed Dechen,
Yangchen is blessed to have come to your for a session.

quite so, as she is K.

such clients are the best, as there is no crippling bottleneck of expectation in them and the sessions flow easily.

please note it’s not 15 step but 15 Stage process.

see how the Stage 3 is designed to handle this!

here you are referring to it correctly.

can be made much more precise, may be sadness.

your hallmark @dechenjamyang is the colossal compassion you have. Kudos to you. Even I wake up the clients in 5mins.

you got the jackpot, it should have been apt to anchor, paraphrase, stress manage and then lead.

let’s never do this Dechen, as we might worsen the mental state of the client. Coach breathing at every instance, give suggestions to relax any strained body part but never abort.

lucky you, she agreed to proceed. Many clients might go absconding after an experience such as this. With experience you’d be able to handle such abreactions in future without having to emerge them. But here there was some scope for closure as we could have done the DT of IDT in that lifetime along with the KMF2C.

please focus on this Why we should pace instead of asking "Okay, what else?"

the key moment… well done.

resolution well attempted Dechen,

here we could have gone for the KMF2C as this would have provided much more deeper insights and ensured no residual issues.

phenomenal, anyone who comes in your field will already be in the alpha brainwave Dechen, well done!

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Thank you Dr V. I am getting more clairty as I continue to revisit your advice and corrections. I can see that I need to lead sometimes. I was under the impression that would be interferring so I have refrained most of the time.i really hold back the temptation and curiosity as I am afraid and do not want prompt or suggest but rather let client just go through the process naturally but I can see how that may also create blocks moving forward and that with some experience now I can lead them without interference. Thank you once again

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