Life seems stuck up


Name: Dr. Hetal Parikh PhD (Name changed)

Age: 45

Working as Professor in Biotech at a college in Surat

Date: 26 November 2024 Day 1

Background: Hetal has been my patient since more than 9years. Now she is off medicines. I knew her history but I have retaken the case history Part 6 again to follow all the 15 steps as guided as by our Master Dr. Venu.

Hypnosibility score 7

VAK- 5/3/7

Eye roll – 1


Hetal gets connected to nature, listening to birds, she can make out birds are talking. She like sunny days, she can get to know the changes in the weather, she can hear birds, season changing, she recognize the changes, time is passing, day coming down. She goes to Sarthana zoo, and can spend time alone there, it is very soothing for her.

She connects with trees a lot, a jungle liking person, she likes dense forest, big huge trees.

She also connects a lot with music, old hindi songs, instrumental not harsh and loud, but soft music. She listens to radio daily while cooking in the morning, and listens to music in her room

She doesn’t like too much of light, loud sounds, crowds, too spicy, anything too much.

( I used this information to regress her using the nature, trees, birds, sound of birds, also I had a wonderful light music playing on throughout the sessions.)


I have known Hetal for many year, she has been my patient for Homeopathic treatment.

Her history goes like this in her verbatim.

Hetal faces a lot of fear on regular basis, on travelling alone, making major decisions, like about her flat,how to plan, there no guidance, she has to do on my own. There is so much fear about domestic work, why it is not executed, fear of relationship, to take up responsibility, I did not take headship of department because I cannot handle. Mother always says me because of fear you did not marry.

On enquiring about why she did not get married she says her wavelength did not match, she saw many boys then.

As our conversation went ahead she revealed, she has major issues of lack self love, fear and anger. Because very few things make her happy, even after doing good programs she is not happy. She cannot figure out, people feel thrilled about things, she doesn’t feel happy.

About her fears she cannot see fights, it freezes her, cannot see violence even in movies.

Earlier reading news, the Pakistan issue for shooting students, it had disturbed her very much, she cannot see horror, suspense movies, she cannot see someone torturing someone, it is very disturbing.

She also has travelling issues like “will I reach on time or not”. Recently she had travelled to US and Sydney, she felt very anxious, describes it as traumatic, in unfamiliar places. It started when she was doing PHD, she was at home for 3 years, not travelling, not meeting anyone. She remembers she had to take a train to Gandhinagar, she cud not find her coach number, worst experience, nobody to help, people, no support from parents, I used to travel alone, in bus with driver.

Childhood history:

FEARS since childhood,

She has experienced a traumatic childhood. Her parents were in a relationship with a man. All the three used to be active sexually together, she has seen them nude at the age of 8years, doing the sexual act, seeing the blood smeared linen. They wud not bother about her, that she is at home. There used to be fights at home between parents and she used to get so frightened. They used to sleep together, she used to be scared entering the room. (She started weeping )Didn’t he feel about a child growing up in this scenario, they don’t have any guilt about doing, all the noises, the nude films, how a child will have the impressions, I used to feel FEAR, I cannot explain, the fights, I have seen him kissing my mother. As I grew up I was assertive with my father, that he should not come to our home. I wanted to forgive him. He expired in covid. I spoke to his daughter later.

Last Year she had done PLR online from someone in Jaipur, she said … particular phase is blacked out in childhood, she cud not go there.

I was a quiet child…never cried to go to school…no demands…


Anger aggression started from 12th standard, crying aloud, throwing things, beating herself, hitting head on the wall, hitting hands on her head, her palms used to become green.

Major Fights at home were for her marriage, parents used to blame her she was making excuses for not marrying. There was too much pressure for marriage, but she also was refused a few times. She did Mphil followed by Phd, and got a job in Surat, by then her blood sugar shot up. She was on Anxiolytic medication for one year and then she cud complete her thesis for phd in 2013.

Anger issues, she also felt BEING USED.

She feels being used by people, at home by parents, by professor, he made her write about thesis review article, I felt I am helping people, but I was writing for them. Her phd Guide did not tell her about job in zoology, she felt STUCK UP. She is doing so much work in the college now but there is no appreciation. At college everyone gets work done by her and then no recognition.

She started her own NGO, she wants to work for some cause, taken a human birth so I should do something for humanity. I want to work impactfully doing for people but no clarity for what I want to do, I feel STUCK UP, things don’t move easily.

I know her she has done so many courses, in psychology, research, she has written many research papers as well. But still feels her life is not going ahead. She has purchased a flat one year back. So that she can be away from parents for some days and do her work of NGO.


Her relationship with her elder sister who is married in US, have not been very close. She had left home for studies when Hetal was in 8th standard. Hetal feels parents were close to her sister. And as being the elder child she got everything new, Hetal used to get all USED things, she will get things what sister did not wear. She feels USED

After a point I cannot go ahead in relationship, I get disconnected. I do so much for colleagues, students, friends, but somehow cannot go beyond…why am I doing things for people.

Where am I stuck up … despite I am doing so many things…I am also not meeting right good people…who are really stable.

Students get free advice from me. But when I need them to work in a project to volunteer, they are not available. I have no support for the NGO also, my father wants his books to be displayed, Principle uses my potential gets all intellect work done by me.

She has also been physically abused at a very young age, her cousin rubbed her private part on her body, she must be 3 or 4 years old. Once she was travelling in bus, a stranger rubbing her thighs, but she cud not react she was so freezed with fear.

(The history is very long, I have edited and reproduced here.)

THEMES: After discussion with Hetal came down to three


It was a long history took us almost 3 hours, it was late in the evening now, so I decided to relax her, to give her Progressive relaxation experience.

We started with prayer, she said we Pray Saraswati maa also, she got a murti made in covid, she has lot of gratitude, I have been studying and so I am independent otherwise where I wud have been.



I am quite presently, feeling peaceful after so many years experiencing this.

After the session, I am feeling very different, cannot put in words, some changes happening in me. I now feel accepting an aspect of my life, feel like freely flowing with this aspect of my life.

26th November 4.45pm to 7.45, post session discussion till 8.15pm

Date: 27TH November 2024 Day 2

We started with Prayers

Regression done through Dave elman and progressive relaxation, stairs, garden, to Happy memories

I took her from recent to back 10years, 20 years, to her youth, her childhood to infancy, BUT SHE could not experience any Happy Moments. I observed she had rapid eye movements, but no experience. So then I asked to pass through a tunnel of light and she went into a lifetime.

C Girl with brown hair


C primary class, wearing british girls clothes. I am in the bench golden brown hair, long dress, white skin

T How are you feeling

C I am happy

T Are you aware of anything else

C I only see her, I am not moving away from the garden

T When did you come to the garden

C From the stairs I have come to this age only

T 321 be at birth, are you there

C I have blue eyes, Light hair, it is a city area like London streets…Somebody is holding me, it is a female holding her, but she cannot see who it is. She is happy here.

T I enquired for the time period

C 18th century, from the architecture, it seems to be stone building a European place, I am a tiny baby, I don’t have teeth, I am fatty and happy.

After a pause she starts crying, on enquiring why she was crying she replied. ( I tell her this of past experience, she is safe here and that she breaths in and out deep breaths)

“I feel I lost it, I have always related myself to small babies, this is what I am, but I am lost”

T What can you elaborate the lost feeling, may I know

She replies that the baby is happy but I am not happy presently, I was happy

T Can you go to the next significant moment in your lifetime, she experiences a lifetime, british place, she sees Louise Hay holding her hand.

T Can this lifetime take you to the cause of theme of feeling STUCK UP, OF BEING ABUSED AND FEARS.

There is No answer, a long pause.

T What you need to do to go to that moment. After a pause. She slips into another lifetime a grown up girl in a typical house like they are in foreign country side

I then enquire What is happening there? she replies it is a country side huge house, I can see a piano, I am happy with myself, it is a cozy house, made of wood, carpets on floor, but I cannot see people around.

I enquire about her name, but she doesn’t know her name. She describes herself as being pretty tall, long hair. She answered she is doing household work, it is me.

I asked her if she was working there, she says No, it is my house., but she cud not see anybody around, she is of college student age. She is peaceful, contented at what she is doing, it is a simple life.

I take her to the next significant moment in her life taking her to the themes of STUCK UP, BEING ABUSED AND FEARS

She replies I am tired, I cannot see, Nothing is coming up, I feel I am locked, I cannot see

Then I take her throught the TUNNEL OF LIGHT where she witnesses this.

C There is some girl and she looks like my sisters younger daughter Mishti, she looks like her. She goes into another lifetime

I enquired if “Do you find any connection ? she replies “I always felt she is like me, as we have a different bonding, we gel good, Mishti is in 9th standard. At US I thought I will bond with her, but it did not happen that way. I started enquiring how old are you, what are you wearing, but she did not want to go ahead, she was tired, so I emerged her by taking her out of the tunnel back to the garden at the white bench she cud take rest then climb the stairs.


After this session we conversed. And the discussion was goes like this.

I feel like crying when I see pictures of happy babies, I relate with them, I don’t know why, I have missed the essence of being a happy child, of feeling like a baby feels, stress free, happy going, no pain. Now I feel, I am a woman, I did not grow mentally, a 43 year old lady, I have missed something, I feel I am still like that baby. Actually I am like that, child like, I cannot be a part a of marriage, having in-laws, husband, children, I can never think myself in that character, I browse these pics, I always love the animal babies also.

Feeling is very cozy, warm, I am not unknown about that place, I love those places, I used to draw the same kind of house, shelter wala, hut shape, with chimney, but this was huge, I used to make small one.

In earlier PLR also I got tired to seeing cud not see further, at least here I reached college years.

Recommendation to do

Prayer tonight to have SELF LOVE and Gratitude. We wud meet again tomorrow.

28th November 2023 Day 3

We started with prayer to the Masters to guide us to the Healing.

Induction with Dave Elman and PR

I give her the suggestion to take the help of the girl, the lifetime that she saw yesterday and go further.

She goes into another another lifetime, it is 1970s in India seems to be Uttarkheda, from here she briefly enters to another lifetime.

Taking her through the tunnel she experiences a lifetime.


I take her to next significant moment 321 move ahead she replies “I went through the tunnel to the last point of opening, I am in air”

T How old are you

C Its me,( HETAL ), I am in the air flying, I can see the earth, the land. ( maybe here she is in the spirit form as it is seen later )

T You have feathers

C No

T How are you flying

There is No answer

T How are you feeling

C It is a huge landscape, some part is stony dark brown

I take her to next significant moment 321

T Where are you, that girl

C Greek people, they look weird, at first it appeared as half animal and half human as one sees dressed in movies,

T What are they doing

C Weird men, typical dressing.

It is a period of kings and queens, not modern era, she cud see gold coins, 2C mentioned on it. These weird men are soldiers, after I enquire cud she find herself, she replied she is a yound lady in her 20s, I tell her to look at her feet, she says I am tall thin, I am dressed like a queen, like a royal family person like a gown, thick leather dress. She is then amazed to what she is seeing, she says “How It can be, I see Dr. Jagiwala sir, I am dancing with him, he is bigger than me, short moustache, same fatty man, smiling, we are a family, typical dress, hunter kind of dressing, he has lot of army kind of instruments, armor around his chest, dress is till his knees

T What does he call you

No answer

She replies “He holds that place, he is some powerful person

T What is his name

No answer

She replies “It is a huge hall, ball dancing room”

T What is he telling you ( here while writing I realise she is a kinesthetic, not auditory, I should have asked her, what are you aware of)

No answer. Then I take her to next significant moment of her lifetime 321. She replies “ There is a very long dining table. I am sitting on one side, father is sitting on the other side. It is Sir, father is Sir. I am dressed like clothes, these are better than the previous. We are talking and there are lot of fruits on the table. It is British Kingdom. I am wearing a gowns with white sleeves.

Suddenly she starts crying “I miss my father, crying” I tell her take deep breaths and that it is of the past she is safe here. ( I wipe her tears, cajole her on her forehead) I tell her to take this pain walk down a bridge, affect bridge and become aware.

She calms down.

She then replies “There is a huge bed, sir ( that is her father) is lying on the bed he is sick, she is 20 year old here

I ask her “Who else is around there” she replies He is coughing, I think I don’t have a mother”

“ Oh “ I reply

C Its only father and me

T Is it his last moment

C No I don’t think so, He is bleeding from mouth. I am taking care of him

T What has happened to your mother. She is not there, she died long back

T How old were you

C Maybe when I was a child

T Can you go to the childhood when you lost your mother, 321

At the time of mother death. She replies Maybe out of sickness she died, I am of primary age

T Who else is there around you

C Me and my father

T Can you remember how you are feeling

C I am amused ,I don’t understand anything, I run to my father, he lifts me in his arms, I am in a green frock

T What is your father calling you by……….You have lost your mother

UZBEKA OR UZEKA… I think….she is not very sure

T Do you know your father’s name


T Did your father remarry


Can you go to her childhood

She is fine she is happy

She didn’t want to go further, so while emerging I wished to work on her childhood traumatic memories to be healed. So, I did Reframing for her. As she started putting her traumatic events starting from recent years to her childhood she had put them in 2 Big boxes, and then when she was done she threw them with full force, she felt a lot of anger and she said she shouted aloud when throwing them off the cliff and felt so good after throwing. (Remember when she last did her PLR, the therapist said childhood memories were unable to pass through, but today she cud take all of them and put them in the box and cud throw it off with so much ease.)

How I got the 2nd box idea – she said when I was putting things inside, the lid was not closing it was overflowed and she was getting very angry, then I had the idea, I said 321, now you can see a 2nd big box, you can fill the rest inside this.

And then I emerged her, but she cud not open eyes, so I suggested at sound of music she cud open her eyes, she emerges with a child like smile.

She said it was such a beautiful feeling even deeper than a meditative session.

She also shared that she flew down the mountains to the stairs, she didn’t walk down.

In this life Dr. Jagiwala is the psychiatrist she visits, she calls him KING, because he stays is a palacial bunglow with lots of staff and only 2 people to stay. She can relate it now that he was her father in that previous life as King Arthur.

I was very emotional seeing father across the table

Can you see any connection to theme

I see myself as good girl, doing all my duties, yesterday I was doing housework, today also I was taking care of my father.

Lets select for tomorrow…she selected STUCK

29th November 2023, 2 to 5pm Day 4

We start with Prayer to the Masters to guide us, praying we can connect to the cause of being STUCK

She cud with ease get regressed, I cud confirm with her eye balls moving and her voice goes low.

T What is coming to your awareness

C A lady in gown , with a hat, there is a horse, white horse

T What is happening there, Who is this lady

C I can see her face

T Look into her eyes, Who is she

C She is a royal family person

T Where she is from,

C She is her 20yrs

T Is it the same british girl

C No

T Time period ?

C It is british era, Modern gowns, not very ancient. SHE CONTINUES HER LIFETIME FROM LAST SESSION OF KING ARTHUR.

T What are people doing there

C There is nothing surrounding, Only her face, Maybe it is time of queen Elisabeth. There is no one around there, She is besides the horse, unicorn ( whenever you see horse, it is flashes as unicorn white horse)

T Please go to the next significant moment …321

Her Eyes start rolling going to another lifetime

C Somebody is flying, it’s a mixture, animal male, They have wings, this man has wings, they have golden dress on chest, on the head, on the lower body is a metal dress, something like the soldiers, but they can fly.

T What is the Time period

C This man is fair, extremely white, no trace of hair on body, he is typical face, not good looking, but he is not a bad person, he doesn’t look like human, square sharp face, long hands, and long legs.

T What is coming to your awareness

C A Fort, he is on the open space, May be it is kingdom

T Where are you

C I am watching him

T What are you wearing, Look at yourself, Look at your feet

C I hold a higher position to him, I am authoritative, I am a female, He is like a messenger

T Has he got a message for you

C I m not able to hear, It is not English in language

T What cud it be, Can you feel how are you feeling after hearing this message

C Maybe it is for King my father maybe, Content, I cannot listen

T Can you go to your father the King, What is coming to your awareness

C He has something to give, There is a golden leaf some crystal flower and it has purple pink color, also blue, it looks like crystal, that soldier man has that. Inside there is a dark room big bed lighting and I am trying to go to the room

T Ask the man to let you go to the room

C There is a river near the fort, Maybe Athens


T Pass through the tunnel of light to next significant moment


T What is coming to your awareness

C It is dark open place big trees, I have a crystal flower, I am 20 years old

T Who else is around you

C It is very delicate flower just like glass

T What are you doing there

C Looking for something

T Alone ?

C It is dark, night

T Cud you know the reason what you are looking for at night

C Maybe the place has messenger kind of people

T Can you go to your house, to your people

C I see water, with a boat, the side of the water

T What are you doing there

C There are lights in the boat, huge boat

T Who else is there, Can you find your familu

C Maybe my father is in the boat, he is stressed going to the war, few soldiers with him, wearing big metal dress, I see dr. jagiwala sirs face as the king, lamps inside the boat ( She is again today in the same lifetime of Rujeka, King Arthur), I am in the boat, I have that crystal flower

T What are you wanting to do

C Maybe I have to give him

T What is he calling you by, your name

C He is talking with his soldiers he is busy

T How are you feeling

C I m ok, He is injured

T How are you feeling

C Face is bleeding, Seems the boat is attacked

T Do you want to tell him something

C No I cannot move from that boat, Is my name URSULA, maybe I am the princess,

T Can you find a mirror and see your self

No answer

C I am young tall lady, blonde hairs, my flower stem is broken, I am sad I am going back from the boat, I am at the fort, feeling sad at the window, sad about the war

T What happens to your father

C I am waiting for him

T Can you take this sadness, and walk down a bridge to the next significant moment

T To what is affecting this princess

C I see another lady talking to me

T Who is she

C I cannot make out

T She is my family

C Blonde hair, square face, elder to me

T Is she your mother or sister

C She is explaining me something, it is regarding my father on war

T So how are you feeling

C I am scared of her so I am attentive

T What is she calling you by your name

No answer

T Why are you scared of her

C She is strict lady , not emotional

T Can you look into her eyes, anyone related in this life

C No a different face

T 321 go ahead, maybe you cud go to the cause of feeling stuck up

Her Eyes rolling

C Fort is attacked everybody is fighting, there is lot of dead bodies, there is fire, black fumes are coming out

T Where are you

C I am running

T What happens next

C My father is also fighting

T Go ahead

C I am alive, I am inside some room, it is very underground, there are many tombs in the room, I run from the war place and run into a underground place to save myself.

T What happens next

C I am alone

T How are you feeling

C I am scared I am breathing fast, tired

T Cud you Go ahead

C I am there for a long time, Many days pass by and I am alone down here.

T What happens to your father

C I don’t know , I am weak, I am getting pale and pale and pale, I am lying on floor, no water, no food, waiting for someone to come inside but nothing happens. I can see the the face of Jesus, it is a flash, I see bright light

T Have you died at this time

C I don’t know, I see a colorful flash of smiling face of Jesus, the rob is blue, red color dress

T Is he telling you anything

C It is just a picture that I see, There is too much of light,

T Are you dead

C Light is as if like fire crackers, as burst, so much so many light, bright light

T Where are you

C I am cold, my body is weak, I am sick, Maybe I have turned blue, There is no one around ,It is difficult to breath, Something is not good, ( I can now see she is getting disturbed, agony in her face) She starts crying, I need them, I need help.

T It has happened in the past remember, you are safe here, take deep breath, relax, let yourself breath easily.

T What is happening now

C It is lonely, where is my father, ( again I see her face is getting into anguish), I am freezing extreme pale body, the body is very fragile.


T What comes to your awareness now

C I am dead

T What are your thoughts, Can you float up the dead body

C I left the body and going to the fort, The fight is still going on, And there few who are dead, I cannot see my father. There are dead bodies around, everybody is dead

T How are you feeling

C I see green bushes, The fort has turned old, fungus has grown on the walls, there is no one present, it has British flag. ( she later describes that many hundreds years have passed and now the flag has changed, earlier it was of the Kingship flag).

T You are is spirit form now ?

C Ya. (That means she also experienced LIFE BETWEEN LIFE BEING A SPIRIT FORM )

T What is coming to your awareness, What is your learning from this lifetime

C May be the palace is now haunted, Maybe it is me, I am the ghost of the fort, it is haunting.

T Can you release yourself, What cud you do to release yourself from this ghost state

C I am flying in the air

T After this death are you reborn

C Maybe I see a baby crying , the baby is nude, some palace kind of thing, the baby is not fair, baby has black hair, few months born baby, clothing the baby, some women are around, it seems to be Marwad, ladies are wearing big sleeve blouse, rajasthan, gunghat on.

T Are you born there,

C I am not sure, It is on a height, palace on height, there is water nearby, maybe a mountain, They are making the baby walk, baby boy

T Is it you

C I am confused

T What are they calling you by

No answer

T What is the time era

C RANA prataps palace……it is period of Rana Pratap

T Can you go ahead and see who you are

C Prithvi

T Go ahead to next significant moment in this life

C Prithvi a grown up man, has beard, moustache, on the horse,

T What is he doing

C He is going to the bazaar, to do the checking, he goes as a common man to see around not revealing his identity.

T What does he do

C He is wheatish, wears a dhoti, has sword, 25years, has a turban, He is dressed like Kings dress, sherwani dress

T Go ahead saying 321

C He is in the market place, bazaar on his horse, he is good man, he talks to people, about their problems, He doesn’t go with the soldiers, he goes alone, he is not fearful, everybody likes him in the town.

T What do they call him by

C Maharaj Sa, Ladies fold their hand , they are happy seeing him, they like him.

T That is so good to know

C Khamagadi,

T what is that,

C That is how they exchange greetings, He walks to the streets, checking all is good or not, now he has his Pyjamas, dressed white, red turban, he has moustache weariing necklace of pearls, he is thin fellow, he is good with people.

T Go ahead in this lifetime 321

C He is in court room, maybe he is the KING now, because he is sitting in centre, he has pink turban. The courtyard is full, he has many people serving him. He is discussing the issues of the town. Everyone loves him, he is a very good king.

T Go ahead 321

C Maybe there is a girl, everyone is happy, it is a Happy family, dressed in white

T What is her name

C Charu or charulata maybe

C It is all dark, I don’t want to do, I am tired.

I emerged her

T I started emerging her out counting 1 to 10 find yourself in the garden, and imagine a wise loving being or guide comes to join you in the garden and you can communicate with this being, you can question him anything that you feel is important for you, find your answers, listen to his messages, whether through words, or symbols or images or thoughts or feelings…it doesn’t matter. It doesn’t matter whether this is a guide, a friend, a reflection of higher self or something different. Listen for words of wisdom.

C She sees a tall man very fair white thin, blue eyes, up to date dressed in suit, he is very gentle, he is a foreigner, he has hands in front with the pins, the sahaj marg pin that Lata Man wears of Heartfulness, also a evil eye stone, he is exceptionally tall, he is not from our world, he seems an angel. He can fly too. He is more than 6 feet. He has pins in his hand, I think I have a small Krishna, very old, one is the pin ( of eartfulness that I wear) . He is sitting besides me on the bench.

He forwarded his hand and I forward my hand, we have not touched the hands, but the moment we try to hand shake there are lot of flowers emerging out.

The pin resembles Shri Krishna at her home.

T Did he give you any message

C He is speaking something….she recited the following words that she cud hear


T Can you ask him about your anxieties

C He has transparent blue eyes.

T Does he have a name, so that he can guide you


T You can ask him any question, listen to the answers

C I see a flash of tiny cupid angels, baby angels ( again she recites few words)

ALCHEMIST, SUPPORT, KIARA………He is like the stone image of Michelangelo…KIARA meaning…there are butterflies…Maybe I can let him go now

T Take his help …remember him whenever you get fear or anxiety or any issues in your life, ask for his Guidance ( Post hypnotic suggestion)

T Pay gratitude to him , thank him.

Session till 6PM


Carry ons: The place where I got stuck it had all tombs, there was no exit, all stone, it was underground, I had a different kind of pain there.

I want to know about the meaning KIARA, we checked …it is LIGHT, CLEAR.

Meeting with the Guide: That was very pleasant meeting with him, I did not want to come back, like “ RUK JATE HAIN RUK JATE HAIN”. He was wearing sky blue suit with white shirt with a tie, English man with very clean appearance, color of skin was albino very fair, still distinctly remembers.

After doing Reframing yesterday felt abh jarurat nahin hai, she felt very LIGHT, NOW ALL MY BAGGAGES ARE CLEARED, I DON’T NEED ANY MORE CLEANING. This was her feeling.

Coming back to todays session: Many people don’t think King Arthur is real, but there are tombs, in ancient times there were people connected with other world people type half human and half animal, the crystal flower, who had magical powers, they knew magic, it was not evil power, but doing good magic things.

The magic was a supportive system, he used to get help from them, from the other world. There are lot movies made on them, there are lot of fiction written about King Arthur.

Today while narrating the dead scene of Uzbeka she said I was feeling stuck up. She got her resolution for the same feeling in this lifetime, now she cud be healed of it.


The client has experienced a Classic pattern of PLR, the life of Uzbeka (she is not sure of the name) the daughter of King Arthur, where she sees her death and gets the resolution to her Stuck up Feeling.

Feedback on 21st December 2023

Now People are getting cut off she is leaving students group, college friends group, workshops

There is a revelation that some things are not materializing so I am not supposed to go in that direction. I am getting other avenues with NGOs. She is getting new openings, her NGO work is slowly improving. She “ does not feel stuck up now”.

Sharing about the Angel and the half human half animal details

King Arthur



Hi Dr Lata. Thanks for putting the case. I enjoyed reading it. The case proves that PLRT heals you regardless what sees you. Logic really does not apply here. We need to simply go with the flow and trust client’s sunconscious.