Many Lives, Similar Battle Within - Grief and enslavement in multiple lives

With the guidance of our beloved teacher Venu, blessings of Sri Ramana Maharshi, Ramakrishna Paramahamsa and Mahavtar Babaji and divine grace of ma Kali -

Maddy, Male, 26 years old

Hypnotizability score - 8/10

VAK - 4/8/3

Eye roll test - 1

Theme: Grief, Loss of loved ones and fear of losing loved ones 10/10

History taking:

Maddy is the first born child in a family of four. Father was an artist in Malayalam film industry, they moved to Karnataka when Maddy was very young due to some issues in the industry. Father’s brothers are well to do but cheated his father of the property. Parents are very hard working and were busy trying to provide for the family. Now Maddy is one of the major breadwinners for the family. He has a younger brother who looks up to him.

Father is supportive of his work - he is a dance instructor, mother is critical of everything. Close to his father and not so close to his mother.


Born in Palakkad, the family had mom, dad and cousin sister, cousin sister took care of him and he was very attached to her. Home was like a jail and parents fought a lot. Father used to hit mother and mother even attempted to suicide, he witnessed all of this.

Between 6 and 8

  • Pet parrot died, this made him very sad
  • Parents were very strict, mean were limited, he used to be left alone at home when parents went to work. Once he dropped a salt container at home when he was alone. The container broke, he was scared that his mother will hit him but when his mother came home, she just smiled and did not hit. He was relieved.

Between 12 and 14

  • Practiced dance day and night, blacked out a few times; felt like someone pulled something out of him.


  • He was a star in primary school, was known for his talent as a dancer; in hight school joined a gang. He used to get into physical fights at highschool. Had his first girlfriend by grade 9. He was very fond of her.

College Days:

  • He was a very popular guy, many girls approached him and he flirted with them.
  • Lived away with parents, with some cousins
  • Was very passionate about dance, was a school athlete

Relationship History:

Complicated, confused, multiple love interests

  • In a relationship with someone for 2.5 years, it is complicated, feels controlled, restricted, sometimes even scared of talking to her since he does not know how she will react.
  • 2 significant past relationships, both have passed away; the first gf reportedly committed suicide after an abusive marriage, has two kids, he feels responsible since he feels if he was in touch with her, he could have helped her; saved her. The other gf passed away when they were still together, he saw her being taken in an ambulance with blood dripping from her left ear. It was his birthday that day and she had planned a surprise for him but instead she left her body.
  • He feels he should live for the moment since the future is uncertain.
  • Avoids conflicts or freezes; sometimes wants to please those who hurt him

Stress Management:

  • Smoking, drinking sleeping
  • Dance
  • Coffee, cigarette, alcohol

Cannot stop once starts drinking.

Personal Values:

  • Core: Do what feels right but do not hurt anyone
  • No religious beliefs
  • Significant life event: Father enrolling him in a dance class
  • Strength: Can overcome anything; Weakness: Feeling inferior to others
  • Hobbies/activities: Watching movies/reels

Current Life Situation:

  • Lives with family but moves around a lot
  • Has one best friend he relies on
  • Support system: Best friend and alcohol
  • Typical day: Trouble getting out of bed, trouble falling asleep, erratic eating, physically intensive since teaches dance
  • Exhausted by 4 PM


  • Want to be there for his parents
  • Overcome grief
    Client finalized theme as Grief

Stages 7 to 11 were completed.
IMR was established.
Dave Elman, Progressive relaxation, Visualization of Light, Garden of Peace

Session 1: Happy Memory (HM): 1.5 hours 13/09/2024

Client slipped into trance after Dave Elman and Ball of light, client mentioned that he saw beautiful sunflowers and a bing of light brighter than the Sun in his garden of peace.
Client mentioned his HM was in Jain University when he saw affection from his past girlfriend for the first time. He had a performance and he met with an accident on the stage, but still performed with all his energy. He felt wonderful. His past girlfriend put her rosary around his neck and he put his head on her lap. Later they went to some hills near Kanakapura with his cousins and saw lights at night and slept on the rock under the sky.

Session 2: Reframing current life traumas, 2 hours
Client is able to put hurtful memories in big box during age regression and see the box go down to the ocean from the cliff. Did not recall anything from In-utero.

Session 3: PLRT, 3 hours 14/09/2024
T: Therapist said
C: Client said
After Dave Elman Progressive Relaxation and ball of light, client relaxes further in his Garden of Peace.After that affect bridge (the day his ex girlfriend, Meibei, passed away and he saw her body being taken in an ambulance)

T: Are you able to see the bridge?
C: No, I can see stairs
T: Okay, are you able to take the stairs?
C: Yes, it is taking me in a tunnel of light
T: Ok, are you alone? Or do you see anyone with you?
C: Meibei is with me (deceased ex girlfriend).
T: Very good. What are you doing?
C: I can hear her talk.
T: Very nice. Can you share with me what she is saying?
C: “It is time for you to be independent and self reliant; you have been too dependent on others for your emotional needs.”
T: Ok, is there anything else she is saying?
C: No
T: Do you have anything to say to her?
C: No, I am ready to move from here.
T: Ok, thanking Meibei for the messages, let us move down the tunnel of light
IMR response indicating Yes

Past Life 1:
Screenshot 2024-09-24 011127
Client’s eyebrows get knotted, facial expression changes

T: Do you hear anything? Or see anything?

C: I can hear sounds like a cheering crowd. I feel like there is an audience… pause… I am facing an opponent… A bull is charging at me. I feel strong and confident. I want to win without hurting the bull…

T: Can you tell me what happens?

C: I hold the bull by the horn and stop it, the crowd is cheering.

T: Very good. Can you see your feet?

C: Yes, I see a Kada around my ankle. Stepping on something strong, it is at a height, I can see the entire village from where I stand. I wear a heavy metal helmet, metal bottoms and even on the chest it feels like metal and is heavy.

T: Wonderful… Do you know the name of the place?

C: IMR no

T: Does any year or timeline come to you?

C: No

T: Do you hear anyone calling you by any name?

C: No

T: Do you know how old you maybe?

C: Around 32 years.

T: Okay, let us go to the next significant event in that lifetime.

C: I am eating ganji/kanji. I live alone in some stone kind of structure. A girl flashes by, covered in a golden veil, perfect eyebrows, beautiful eyes. She disappears.

T: Do you recognize her? Is that someone you may know?

C: No, I walk out and there are children, they are pulling me. I feel loved.

T: Do you know who those children are?

C: Not my children, children from the neighborhood, I love them.

T: That is great… Do you see or feel anything else?

C: I am training others for combat, that girl appears again, I get distracted but I have to focus on training, she disappears.
T: Okay… allow yourself to go to the next significant memory from that life.
C: I can feel holding a flag, tapping to the ground in anger, makes a fist and thumping action. I can hear war cries, I want to win this war.
T: Do you know what happens?
C: We won, I am deeply wounded. My friend is holding me and taking me to my place.
T: Do you recognize this friend?
C: Yes, it is my best friend, Diwakar.
T: Do you see anything else or hear anything else?
C: No
T: Okay let us go to the next significant life event
C: I am dying, I am at the same place where I used to watch the village from the top. I see someone grieving for me. I am not sure who that is.
T: Can you recall your last thoughts?
C: I wish I had lived longer, I wish I had a family.

Life Between Lives (LBL)
T: Do not worry, you are visiting a memory, relaxing your forehead and jaws, float above. How do you feel?
C: I am feeling light… Sky opens up. I see a girl leading me. She is 600m ahead of me. I go to the light.
T: Do you see anyone there?
C: I see sages/saints. I bow to them.
T: Do they have any messages for you?
C: They tell me they are very proud of me. I did my best.
T: Such a wonderful message. Do you want to spend more time with them?
C: Pauses for a few minutes… Says I want to move on.
T: Very well… let us move back to the tunnel of light… Are you able to see or feel the tunnel of light?
IMR yes
T: Let us go to another lifetime that helps us understand the lesson you need to know for your current life…
Past Life 2:
C: I see grass everywhere, beautiful green grass. There is one tree.
T: Very nice, can you look down to your feet?
C: I do not have feet
T: Okay… Do you see anything else? Or hear sounds?
C: Yes, I see bright orange paws.
T: What paws are those?
C: Some carnivore, but small in size, like a hyena or fox… I think a fox, I see bushy tail.
T: How are you feeling?
C: Strong but hungry, I am looking for food…
T: What happens next?
C: I am with my family, I have little cubs/puppies. I am very happy, content… I want to protect them…
Client is smiling…
T: Beautiful… do you see anything else? OR hear sounds?
C: I am very sad…
T: Do you know what happened?
C: I lost one of my babies… It is my fault… I am feeling guilty… I did not do a good job of protecting…
T: I understand… It must have been hard… Relax your forehead and your jaws… Remember you are visiting this as a memory…
C: I see my body is dead… I died grieving the loss of my young ones…
T: Float above… We have to carry the lessons… Let us see what lessons we have to take with us from this life…
C: I am feeling lost… I am still very lost… I feel darkness everywhere…
T: I understand… Your heart maybe feeling heavy… Is there a lesson for us there?
C: Masters are saying I took my loved ones for granted, did not love those who love me… I should love those who love me
T: That is such a beautiful message…
C: Should we go further?
C: No, not now
Thanking the masters client is emerged…
After a few minutes of emerging client says he is feeling cold and shivers, client is reminded of the present body and the surroundings… Shivering stops…

Session 4: 45 minutes 16/09/2024

Temple meditation… Client was responding via IMR but did not say anything… Fell asleep in between.

Client wanted to go to Coorg and visit Meibei’s grave… He was away for 3-4 days

Session 5: Temple Visualization 21/09/2024
Door one: Client describes this door as a heavy wooden door with polish, beautifully carved with golden knobs/circular handles. Light is coming through the opening. Client enters through this door.
T: Do you see anything? Hear any voices?
C: I see myself in this body but much younger. I hear Meibei’s laugh… She is so happy…
T: What else do you see or hear?
C: It is like all the happy moments I spent with her but in fast forward… Like a movie reel… Everything flashing in front of me…
T: Trust the wisdom of your unconscious… Maybe this is what you had to see…
C: I am happy… I want to come back to the corridor…
T: Okay let us thank Meibei or the time you spent together and come back

Door two/ Past Life 3: Heavy wooden door that is painted with heavy metal clasped across to have the door closed. Opens the door and enters.
T: Now that you have entered one of your past lives, what do you see?
C: I am a boy… May be 7-8 years old, I have dirty feet, no footwear…
T: Is there anyone with you?
C: No, I am alone, I am scared, I think I am lost… I see only plain ground, I am running to see my mom…
T: I understand that for a young boy being lost must have been scary, taking deep abdominal breaths, relaxing your jaws and forehead, let us see where you are now.
C: I find my mom, I am relieved, I want to hug her but I do not, because I am scared she will hit me for getting lost or scold me…
T: Can you see your mom’s face? What does she look like?
C: She is wearing something black like how nomadic Rajasthani women wear, with veil on her head… She looks worried, eyes are small… My clothes are torn… Barely covering me…
T: Do you recognize her eyes?
C: Yes, she is my grandmother from this life…
T: Do you know the place? Any name comes to you?
C: It is plain… No trees… Dry and dusty… Some place in Rajasthan…
T: Do you hear anyone calling your name? Do you know what your name could be?
C: No
T: Moving to the next significant event from that lifetime. .do you see anything or hear anything?
C: I am in my mid teens… I see lot of stones for construction… I am hear to steal it…
T: Are you alone?
C: No… I am with a friend… We steal together…I feel strong and confident… We take stones and leave…
T: Do you recognize your friend? Anyone from this life?
C: No
T: Ok… is there anything else?
C: I am in my early 20s… Feeling happy, confident… My lifestyle has improved, I am in better clothes… I can hear the sounds of hammer hitting something… Like steel… I have employees working for me… (smiles)
T: Do you see anything else or hear anything?
C: No
T: Let us go to the next significant event in that lifetime.
C: I am in my mid 20s… I live with my mother and brother… I am walking with a friend arm in arm, I am happy…
T: Do you recognize your brother or friend?
C: No… not anyone from this life…
T: ok… Is there anything else you see or hear?
C: No
T: Okay… let us go to the next significant memory that comes to you.
C: I am in my 30s… I am on my knees… Screaming… I am angry… I want to scream…
T: I understand… Do you know why you are angry?
C: I lost my younger brother… I am angry at him for dying and leaving me alone
T: Breathing deeply from your abdomen, taking deep, long breaths… Relax your jaws… You are visiting this memory… Go to the lesson from this lifetime
C: I am in my 80s… I am dying… I do not have a family… I am alone, I die in a shed…
T: Float above towards light… Do you see anyone?
C: I see someone in a brown dress… Shawl and dhoti… A master… He says everything is okay… I feel a lot of love from this master… I merge with the master… I feel safe…
T: Come back to the corridor, does any other door call to you?
C: Yes there is one more, I am confused…
T: Take your time… Enter only if you want to…
C: I want to go in…

Door 3/ Past Life 4: Client describes this door as a regular door that opens in the middle. Dull brown in colour.
T: As you enter this door into one of your past lives what do you see?
C: I see decomposing body… I see ribs… It might have been a cow or something… Some herbivore…
T: Are you able to see anything else?
C: Greenery everywhere…
T: Are you able to see yourself?
C: Black hands… Long fingers… I am an ape… Maybe a Chimpanzee…gently thumps his chest
T: How do you feel?
C: Feeling strong… I am a young male… I am happy in my body… I am walking in the forest…
T: Do you have your family with you?
C: No… but I see other chimps jumping, playing nearby…
T: Okay… let us go to a significant event from this lifetime…
C: I am angry… I am charging at another ape… With brown eyes… I have seen these eyes before… In my current life… But I do not know who that is…I beat the other chimpanzee, when he was about to die, I see his eyes and engulfed by grief… I feel I made a mistake… There was no need for me to kill him… The other chimpanzee dies in his arms…
T: Can you tell me what happens next?
C: I am floating above myself… Towards light… I see a door to a cloud… I open it. .
T: Is there anyone there?
C: I cannot see… But I hear someone say “Forgive yourself… Let it go…
T: Are you able to forgive yourself?
C: Nods saying no…

Thanking the beings, places in the past lives he comes back to the corridor
T: Take a few minutes to sit in your temple to allow these lessons to settle in… To notice the energy of past life resonating with you, guiding you, giving you clarity… You are safe here and supported… Take your time to let these insights integrate with you…

Grounding and Emerging…

Client calls at 10:30 am on 21/09/2024. He talks about a dream he had. He said he was with the gods… By a holy river… Anjaneya, Ashwathama were there… They said that he needs to destroy something for the good of someone… They were all fighting. He was with them too… There was a maiden by the shore of the holy river clad in white clothes… They were fighting to protect her… He fights many evil forces and feels victorious… He sees himself as a strong, well-built young warrior… Suddenly he sees someone seated on a huge white animal baring teeth who challenges him to a fight and he wakes up…

Client also mentions that solutions are showing up for some of his problems, he feels confident.

Session 6: 3+ hours 21/09/2024

Client wanted another PLRT to remove the heaviness/pain in his heart. He described it as his heart turning into stone and wanted it to be removed. After Dave Elman and Progressive Relaxation we did affect bridge with memories that caused pain and intensified it for the bridge.
Client wanted to go to a life just before his current life.

Past life 5
T: Can you hear anything?
C: I hear gunshots, people shouting… I am in a white dress, covering my ears, I cannot take those sounds… I feel like a prisoner of a war…
T: I understand, breathing deeply from abdomen, Do you know the place? your age?
C: Place I do not know. I might be 34 years old, male. I am in a cage… I feel emaciated. I have not eaten food in many days.
T: Let us go back in time to see what happened before this.
C: I am about 26 years old, I am forced to move very heavy things, like wooden slabs, there are people with me, even ,my parents are forced to work. We can only meet after a day’s work. I feel like a slave. I do not like this life.
T: I understand… It must be difficult… Continuing to breath deeply from your abdomen,let us go to a time before you were forced to work.
C: I am about 10-12 years old… I am going in a horse carriage with my parents… I have my pet parrot sitting on my hand. I am happy… My parrot flies away and suddenly we hear gunshots. Some people come… They look like Britshers… Wearing red shirts, holding double rifle guns. They capture us…
T: Is there anything else you hear? See?
C: No…
T: Ok… going further down in the time to the childhood of that life time do you hear anything? Feel or see?
C: No… nothing…
T: Ok… going back to from where we started this lifetime… When you were in a cage, what happens next?
C: I am floating above… I see a man with long beard and white robe… It is Jesus! He is standing with open arms. He is hugging me. He is comforting me, I am crying uncontrollably.
T: Did you hear any last thoughts?
C: No one should suffer the way I did in that life.
T: Take as much time as you want with Jesus and let me know when you are ready.
After a few minutes client indicates with IMR that he is ready.
T: Did you get any message from Jesus? Maybe the purpose of your current life?
C: The purpose of my life is to love others, lead them… Never hurt anyone who come to me.
T: Such a beautiful message… Where are you now?
C: In my mother’s womb… I feel they are excited, I feel like a superstar, they are waiting for my arrival.
T: Wonderful! Do you want to go further?
C: No… I want to come back…
Client is emerged. Client is smiling and says he feels happy… Client says after the stone was lifted from his heart, it was filled with rose petals.

After a break - restroom, water and smoothie client wants to explore what happened when he was in 7th grade and had a black out. After Dave Elman and Progressive relaxation, ball of light, affect bridge is created with the memory of blacking out, someone pulling him from behind.
T: Do you hear anything?
C: I see something like a shadow with me, walking with me. It is asking me to go to a boat with it.
T: Where is the boat? Do you want to go?
C: Boat takes it somewhere… Nods saying he does not want to go.
T: Remember, you do not have to do anything you don’t want to do.
C: Nods confirming he does not want to go
T: What does the shadow want? What does it say?
C: It says it is lost… confused…
T: Invoking masters and calling on friendly spirits, talks to the shadow to move on to the spirit world to help the shadow
C: I see light at the other end of the boat… Some beings of light are coming and holding the hands of the shadow. They are taking the shadow with them… I see the eyes of the shadow, it looks sad…
T: Do not worry… It is a good place for the shadow to go towards light, it will help with its journey.
C: That shadow went towards light… Waving…
T: How do you feel?
C: Very light…
T: Good… Thanking masters and forgiving the shadow for causing any harm, let us move on.
Client is emerged.

Session 7: FLP and Inner child healing Same day

Client visualizes owning a home and having pets - a dog and a parrot. He says he was able to see the screen in his new car and hold the steering. Driving the car with his parents and younger brother. A happy life with parents and brother. Client says the glass pyramid had glitter and sparkles and was beautiful. Client was able to hug himself as a child too.

Once he is back in the garden of peace, we call anyone who has hurt him and anyone he may have hurt for forgiveness.
After being emerged client mentioned he saw Lord Shiva flashing in the sky.

Closure/ Conclusion:
Maddy was able to see the patterns of past lives (grief, feeling stuck, doing things against his will) and how they were showing up in current life struggles. Maddy mentioned how forgiving and recognizing the love he has around him helped him. He was able to let go of Meibei too.
He was able to see how blessed he is with the presence of masters guiding him. The light around him. Pain level had come down to 2. Maddy agreed to continue meditation for at least 10 minutes a day and incorporate healthy habits, may be even have a schedule. He said if he reduces/quits smoking then he will have more energy to manage his full time job as well as his dance studio.
He shared that he overall feels more grounded and calm.

After two days of closure, client mentioned that he is meditating for 10 minutes on Lord Shiva and he feels that god is with him and will take care of everything.


Can’t believe you have just started with PLRT, you are already a PRO! :clap:t2::innocent:

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Thank you for your kind and encouraging words. :pray: :pray:

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Hi @bhatshwetha , very well session… it requires high level of patience to do so many sessions for a client. Done a fabulous job by going extra mile…

Please find my comments below :

Really good grounding for a auditory person…

You should have do the classic flow for the gladiators life before visiting any other lifetime. There were very less KMF’s.
I think you missed the lessons carry over to this lifetime… please make note of it.

Gracefully handled the situation… very good…

Once again… very good…

This time you missed to be empathetic like earlier you did… but this moment was very much intensive for the client… so I think you should have hurried.

Please make sure you to guide a client to learn lessons from every lifetime they experience and ask them for what they have carried over…

Hi @HarieMore really appreciate you taking the time to go through my post and share valuable feedback. Thank you for your time and comments.

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Very extensively carried out …I loved the way you shared the history and it’s sub topics…gave much clarity to the clients life’s and issues. There was a lot he was battling within himself. The wars and battles and losses he has seen in both this current n his past lives seemed similar. The masters guided him to love and learn…such a blessing that he has taken it on with self care and self love as a starting point. Thankyou Shweta for this beautiful share!