Many Lives, Similar Battle Within - Grief and enslavement in multiple lives

@bhatshwetha my blessed one, am so so very happy to see that you’ve not only resurrected yourself but also reaching out and pulling people out of their misery and also taking the time to share it with us. Kudos to you.

Further to what @HarieMore @jharna.gupta @Siddhi have shared,

Theme has to be a single or at the max two worded trigger phrase. So here, it could just be “fear of losing-a-loved-one”

better call it, coping mechanism.

in such instances, we can use suggestions,

“allow yourself to go back in time when the karma was set in motion between Meibei and you…”

avoid judging, for example avoid use of “very nice” in this case we might not be in client’s pace if it doest tally with their feeling.

what else did you want to hear :slight_smile:
here a gold mine actually, please read this

isomorphic to his athletic and dancing interests in this life.

you could have empathised, anchored, stress managed and then paraphrased before leading to the next most significant event !

good one, so he is repenting…

why another lifetime… we could done KMF2C and then done the resolution, the T of IDT. Read the book, “Why me” to work on this. May god bless you both .

so priceless, love is love. Doesn’t matter what is its expression. And we must value it no matter who gives it to us in what ever form. This is so amazingly depicted in Lord Sri Krishna’s life hence is known as the Love incarnate.

wow, it was that intense! Happens!

am proud of you that you went up to 6th session for this client, more so the client requested for it! Very well done.

phenomenal encounter, that’s the beauty of Jesus, he is just a call away :slight_smile:

Actually you have done him the same favour that a mother has done in giving birth to him my blessed @bhatshwetha his entire life trajectory has been set in the right way.