Script for Cliff visualisation along with Big Box and Small Box activity

The Reference for this script is taken from this case study by @Divya
Union of Hearts
I have made some changes in the script so that along with a visual person, an auditory and kinesthetic person can also be able to visualize and do this activity on the cliff.

Starting with induction - Dave Elman and Progressive Relaxation

Visualization (stairs…garden)

After relaxing the client for a while in the garden.

Maybe now you can find a way out of this garden leading to a road.

Start walking on this road… and this road may lead you to a mountain. You can start climbing up on this mountain……(IMR) It’s completely safe for you to walk upward. The mountain is not very steep and thus you can climb it easily and comfortably…. And as you climb up, you can imagine the surrounding. Maybe you can see some beautiful trees, grass. Maybe you can feel the soft breeze on your cheeks, the freshness around or maybe you can hear the soothing sound of soft rustling leaves, the birds chirping, or the sound of your own footsteps on the path. Notice how the ground feels beneath your feet as you walk, maybe soft or firm, giving you a stable feeling with each step.

As I count from 5-1, allow yourself to reach the top of the mountain, to the cliff. It is completely safe here; there you may imagine a railing around this cliff to keep you safer, having enough space for you to stand comfortably. Do you feel safe here? Maybe you can hear the distant sound of waves crashing gently below or the wind flowing through the rocks.

Now you can imagine a beautiful ocean beyond this cliff. You may look around, maybe you can imagine some beautiful mountain ranges, maybe a boat in the ocean, and maybe you can even imagine how the horizon looks, where the ocean and the sky meet. You can choose it to be any time of day—perhaps you can hear the rhythmic sound of the waves lapping against the shore, like a calming melody. You might feel the cool breeze on your face or the warmth of the sun on your skin, grounding you in this peaceful moment.

Standing on this cliff, you can imagine two empty boxes. A bigger box behind you and a smaller box in front of you.

Open the bigger box. In a moment, I am gonna count from 3-1, and on the count of one, allow yourself to pick up all the unpleasant and hurtful memories from the last month. As you do, notice if any emotions arise—perhaps you can feel the weight of these memories as you place them in the box, as if you’re physically removing a burden from yourself. You can even hear the slight thud as each memory lands in the box, as you place a heavy metal frame around them.

Take your time, and let me know when we can move forward.


Now going back to the last 6 months, if there are any hurtful, painful, unpleasant, discomforting, or disturbing memories, imagine yourself gathering them up—hearing them fall into the box, maybe feeling lighter with each one you release. Put a heavy metal frame around them and place them in the bigger box behind you.


In the last year, if any hurtful or disturbing memories arise, you can feel how they affect your body—perhaps in your shoulders or chest—and as you frame and place them into the box, notice if your body begins to relax, bit by bit.


In the last 5 years, any painful or discomforting memories, you can hear them fading away as they get locked into the box, growing distant as they no longer affect you.


In the last 10 to 20 years or beyond, collect any hurtful or disturbing memories. Feel how your grip on them loosens, how they become lighter as you place them in the box behind you.


Now, think back to your childhood. If there are any painful or discomforting memories, place them in the box. You might even feel a sense of release, as if a tension in your body is fading away.


If there are still any memories left that you’d like to let go of, take your time. Hear the box quietly closing, and notice the change in how your body feels as these memories no longer have power over you.


Have you placed all the hurtful memories into the box?

[Wait for IMR]

Now, you can close the bigger box. As you close it, you might hear the lid softly click shut, knowing that these memories are safely tucked away.

Turn around to the smaller box in front of you. Open that smaller box. In a moment, I am going to count from 3-1, and on the count of one, allow yourself to become aware of any future worries, anxieties, dilemmas, or concerns. Maybe you can feel the weight of these concerns in your chest or hear a voice in your mind. Gently place a heavy metal frame around each worry and put them into the smaller box in front of you. You might feel lighter with each worry you place inside.



[Long Pause]

Now you can close the smaller box as well, and if you wish, you can lock both boxes. As I count from 5-1, you can feel the sensation of pushing both boxes off the cliff into the ocean, releasing them completely. Maybe you even hear them splash as they hit the water and sink deep down.


Let me know when you’ve pushed the boxes into the ocean.

[Wait for IMR]

If the boxes feel heavy and you need help pushing them, imagine a strong presence—a guide, a master—helping you push them off the cliff, feeling the strength in your body as you let them go.

[Wait for IMR]

Were you able to push both boxes?

[Wait for IMR]

Now, allow yourself to feel the peace and relief. How does it feel to let go of all those hurtful, disturbing memories? How does it feel to let go of all future worries? Maybe your body feels lighter, your mind quieter. You might hear the soothing sounds of the ocean, the wind, the birds, or simply enjoy the silence. Feel the soft breeze on your skin, the relief in your body, like a gentle wave flowing through you.

Be there for a moment, and let me know when you’re ready to move ahead.

[Wait for IMR]

As I count from 1-5, you can slowly return to the garden. With each number, you can feel more grounded and present.


Are you back in the garden?

[Wait for IMR]

Relax now in this beautiful spiritual garden, hearing the sounds of nature around you, feeling the earth beneath your feet, or the warmth of the sun on your skin. Just relax…


Great …very helpful for me…thanks for sharing @Harie


Thank you Harie for sharing this🙏🏻


Thank you for putting this together and sharing it with the community, Harie


Thank you for this , Harie…really helps

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Thank you @HarieMore.

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