Self-Discovery and Personal Growth Journey

Theme – Discontent
Name: Buddha
Date:05 Oct 2024
Vitals & Test Results: M, (VAK) 4/5/6, Eye roll 2/5, Focus 8/10
Client History:
Buddha is a successful professional and a dedicated father of two children. His primary concern centers on his teenage son, who has become distant and uncommunicative. Despite being talented, his son now appears unhappy, and withdrawn, and exhibits signs of lethargy. This shift in behavior, along with a general sense of discontent, worries Buddha as he recalls his son being more engaged and expressive in the past.
In his professional life, Buddha feels a growing sense of burden, even though he maintains a spiritual practice. Despite his significant skills and contributions at work, he feels underappreciated and overlooked, particularly in terms of promotions. This, along with the constant fear of potential layoffs, adds to his stress and weighs heavily on him. Buddha himself feels a sense of discontent in life rather feels burdened.
However, Buddha finds comfort in his 12-year-old daughter, who remains cheerful, engaged, and happy, offering a sense of balance in his otherwise challenging situation.

The session progressed with the below scripts on Day 1 -Session 1 & 2
Scripts - Dave Elman, Progressive relaxation, Light meditation, Garden, Happy memory, Reframing script, and FLP.

Therapist - Let’s pick a memory you have not thought about for a long that brings you joy, using all your senses, you will be able to talk and yet, remain in your deep state.
Therapist - What is coming to your awareness now?
Client - My happiest times with my grandparents in Chennai, I like being around them.
Therapist - What else are you sensing?
Client - I can feel their love.
Therapist - How does that make you feel?
Client - I miss them.
Therapist - What else are you seeing or feeling?
Client - Happy moments.
Therapist - How old are you?
Client - 4yrs.
Therapist - What else do you remember or feel?
Client - Marriage, my uncle’s marriage. Me and my brother are playing. We are running around.
Therapist - Can you see yourself?
Client - Yes
Therapist - What are you wearing?
Client - Shorts.
Therapist - Who else is around?
Client - Many relatives of mine?
Therapist - Is that a happy memory and how does that make you feel?
Client - Yes. I want to go back there.
Therapist - You can stay and experience this feeling once again and relive these happy moments, take your time. There is No limit to your memory, you can go back and access another memory.
Client - My grandfather passed away.
Therapist - How old were you?
Client - 13/14
Therapist - What else is coming to your awareness?
Client - I see him. He is lying down. Crying
Therapist - You are safe, and you can connect with him by floating above the scene detached as it’s in the past.
Client - My that was very close to me.
Therapist - Maybe we can go back into the time of his passing? Can you see him?
Client - I was in Bangalore; he was in Chennai he was with my uncles. We lived far away. He died alone. His body was kept on the terrace. My uncle, my mom.
Therapist - What else is coming to your awareness or feeling or seeing?
Client - I felt lost that day, my grandfather was very close to me. I have a lot of happy memories of him spending time with us, and telling us stories.
Therapist - Beautiful, isn’t it?
Client - Yes
Therapist - Maybe pick another happy memory with your grandfather.
Client - Whenever we used to go, he always knew what I liked to eat. My grandma was asked to make that.
Therapist - What did you like to eat?
Client - I like Chitraanna.
Therapist - Are you able to see your grandmother?
Maybe you can hug your grandfather.
Client - Yes
Therapist - Relax take a deep breath, you are protected and safe. Enjoy and relive this experience and it’s okay to cry.
Therapist - What is coming to your awareness now?
Client - My aunt has been admitted to the hospital. Mental Hospital.
Therapist - How old are you
Client - Maybe 5yrs My aunt used to act weird, and my uncles used to shout at her.
Therapist - How does that make you feel?
Client - Scared.
Therapist - What else is coming to your awareness?
Client - That time was very sad, I had never seen him cry. He is not happy. That her daughter is behaving weirdly.
Client - How can I go back from here?
Therapist - Where to?
Client - When I was young, I always saw my grandfather sad because of these things.
Therapist - It’s alright, remembering this is in the past and you are safe and protected. Now let us go back to the memory that brings this original feeling of being scared comes from?
Client - My mom used to tell me a story of some ape-man, he would not eat or sleep on time he would come. I used to fear them.
Therapist - Now you know, there is NO ape-man.
Client - Yes
Therapist - Now can we pick another memory where is feeling of scared or fear comes from? What is coming to your awareness or senses?
Client - I feel am in a remote place and it’s a hot place.
Therapist - What else comes to your awareness apart from the heat
Client - Maybe it’s a dessert, sand
Therapist - Do you know the place
Client - I see camels
Therapist - What color are the camels?
Client - Brown
Therapist - Are they dessert camels and someone riding them? Which year is this?
Client - I haven’t seen this image in this life. This image is just coming to me. I think it’s in India.
Therapist - Maybe look around and see for hints like a tree, oasis, or house?
Client - I see some men outside.
Therapist - What are they wearing?
Client - Rajasthani
Therapist - Do you see yourself?
Client - There are a lot of trees and shade and houses.
Therapist - What else
Client - Bright sunlight
Therapist - What is the significance of this memory to your current life?
Client – Sandstorm. Yeah, not a heavy one.
Therapist - Which year is this?
Client – 1913. Village festival happening and a has a small stage and lights. I see the stage.
Therapist - Are you participating in anything?
Client - No
Therapist - Can you see yourself?
Client - Yes, I think I am an old man.
Therapist - How old are you?
Client - 70
Therapist - Can you see your feet?
Client - Yeah,
Therapist - Can you describe your attire?
Client - Dhoti
Therapist - Can you maybe pick a memory from this life that resonates with the fear in your current life?
Client - Maybe the exposure, I was in a village. I lived my whole life in a village.
Therapist - What was your occupation?
Client - I think, I owned some shop.
Therapist - Maybe can we visit your house and see your family?
Client - I have two sons.
Therapist - Do you see them?
Client - They are not here.
Therapist - Who else is there?
Client - There is a lady. Is she your wife?
Client - I don’t know.
Therapist - Can you look around the house for some photos or anything?
Therapist - Maybe we can have lunch with the family?
Client - Yeah, it’s a small house.
Therapist - What else is coming to your awareness
Client - Walls were green painted, old house. It had few rooms. I don’t know who the lady is. She is not close to me. We are not talking.
Therapist - Can you look into her, yes?
Client - No, she is not coming in front of me.
Therapist - What else is coming to your awareness?
Client - I wanted to be free, I wanted to explore. But I had responsibilities. I was tied to it.
Therapist - Can we maybe look at the passing of this life?
Client - My sons were there, and I died.
Therapist - How did you pass away?
Client - Old age
Therapist - You lived a good healthy life.
Client - Yes
Therapist - Now can you float above the scene and seek any messages or guidance?
Client - I should have traveled; I should have not been sucked into responsibilities. I could have been happier. I lived a very normal life, heeding society, and trying to be part of it.
Therapist - How can the experiences and challenges from this life offer valuable lessons to guide us in the present? What insights can we gain to navigate our current situation more effectively?
Client - I am in this life.
Therapist - What is coming to your awareness?
Client - I should be bolder; I should be brave. Avoid negative self-talk.
Therapist - How beautiful? Only we can make ourselves happy.
Therapist - Can we pick a memory from this or any life where this blockage of fear comes from?
Client - I am very scared of my dad; he is a very strict dad.
Therapist - What else is coming to your awareness?
Client - I had a childhood where I was very scared most of the time.
Therapist - How old were you and which year?
Client - 80’s and 10/8yrs.
Therapist - And what is the incident that fear comes from
Client - Dad was very strict.
Therapist - And how did that make you feel?
Client - Not good. Not confident. But I forgive him.
Therapist - Awesome, you have a big heart. Now that you have forgiven and know it’s in the past take the lessons forward to be brave and free.
Therapist – Let’s pick a memory from this or any lifetime, where does the original root of fear come from?
Therapist - Where are you?
Client - Madras.
Therapist - Which year is this?
Client - No idea
Therapist - How old are you?
Client - 6th or 7th. Teachers used to hit them with a cane. I used to be very scared in school. They used to beat us.
Therapist - You are safe and protected. This experience is behind you, and there’s no need to hold onto that fear anymore.
Therapist - What else is coming to your awareness?
Client - I see a field; I am alone and am scared. I am walking through the field. Calling for my mom.
Why are you screaming for your mom?
Client - I am lost. My house is nearby but I don’t know where the house is. It’s a village, a vegetable market.
Client - I am lost and am searching for my home.
Therapist - Maybe you can ask someone around? What is your mother’s name?
Client - She had long bug hair, curly.
Therapist - What is your name and how old are you?
Client - 7
Therapist - What else is coming to your awareness
Client - I went to the market and am lost. I am looking for my mom.
Therapist - Can we go a little bit further in this life and how you grew up?
Client - I went to my grandparents’ house. I went across the field…silence
Therapist - What else is coming to your awareness
Client - The feeling of being lost
Client - It’s a village, that looks like a village in south India.
Therapist - What is the attire of the people
Client - Saree
Therapist - Can you look for some known people?
Client - My mom.
Therapist - What is your mom doing? What is your name?
Client - I don’t know but the name Chandra comes to my mind.
Therapist - Describe to me your house and family members.
Client - I just saw my mother and father.
Client - There are cows. There is a black cow. My cousin’s brothers.
Therapist - What are you doing?
Client - We are playing. We had sheep.
Therapist - What is the cousin brothers name
Client - Sukesh
Therapist - Do you recognize him from this lifetime?
Client - No
Therapist - Can you go further in this lifetime and see how your life turned out?
Client - I was taking care of my mother; we settled down somewhere else. I was not in the same village anymore.
Therapist - Where are you now? Can you describe the place?
Client - It’s a railway job.
Therapist - How old are you?
Client - 20’s something?
Client - I don’t remember my dad.
Therapist - Maybe we can float above the scene and look for your father.
Client - It’s only my mom.
Therapist - What else comes to your awareness in this lifetime
Client - I was working to lay the railway tracks.
Therapist - Maybe let’s traverse through this life and see if you had a family and the lessons from this life.
Abreactions, too much to process – what I am talking about, nothing is making sense.
BRV Brought the client back to the garden. And BRV
Client - I am missing someone.
Therapist - Who are you missing?
Client - I don’t like to be alone; I don’t know. Some friend of mine.
Therapist - Where are you?
Client - In a garden.
Therapist - Can you ask this friend for guidance?
Client - I am sitting in this garden, waiting for my friend.
Therapist - Is he there?
Client - It is, she.
Therapist - Who is she?
Client - I don’t know.
Therapist - Take a deep breath.
Client - One person that comes to my mind is one of my ex-colleagues. Her name is Akanksha. She was very close to me. I think it’s her.
Therapist - What do you think she wants to relay
Client - She is saying to realize yourself. You have a lot of potential.
Therapist - Maybe you can also seek guidance from your master’s or a divine entity as we emerge to come out of this garden.
Client - I see some monks, saffron robes.
Therapist - Maybe you can ask for some guidance.
Client - silence
Therapist - What is coming to your awareness?
Client - Lord Vishnu.
Client - Silence
Client - Tirupathi, I need to be there.
Therapist - Maybe you can thank them for their guidance.
Closed the day’s session with Clif’s script.

Day 2 – Session 3 & 4
Therapist - What is coming to your awareness
Client - A building, Dark glass, lots of glass
Therapist - Maybe look inside the building?
Therapist - Where are you now?
Client - Inside
Therapist - Look around.
Client - A glass tunnel
Therapist - Maybe look at yourself, walk around, and see if there are any signs or hints of location or Year.
Therapist - Are you still in the tunnel?
Client - No
Therapist - Where are you now?
Client - Am at the stairs and looking at the building
Therapist - What does that building signify to you?
Client - It’s a university or a library.
Therapist - Can we take a look inside the library and seek more information?
Client - It looks like an old church
Therapist - You know where this is located?
Client - It doesn’t seem to be in India.
Client - Church, there is a church.
Therapist - What else comes tour awareness as you look around
Client - I see a carving of Mother Mary and Infant Jesus.
Therapist - Can you go further and see detached floating around watching from a distance? You are safe and protected.
Client - I see boats, a beautiful garden, and a church.
Therapist - What is your name?
Client - Robert
Therapist - How old is Robert?
Client - 56
Therapist - Do you recognise Robert?
Client - Yes
Therapist - Who is he?
Client - A gentleman.
Therapist - How is he related to you?
Client - Awesome, I am Robert.
Therapist - What do you do for a living?
Client - I am rich. I have a white horse.
Therapist - What else are you sensing or seeing
Client - There are many people in the church.
Therapist - Is this a service or mass?
Client - Yes. Mass.
Therapist - What is happening, what are you doing?
Client - I am looking at many people.
Client - There is a huge cross, and many people are circling.
Client - Huge exhale, Stress management
Client - It’s a big church, am standing on the top. It’s a huge cross, many people.
Therapist - What else is coming to your awareness?
Client - Silence
Therapist - Maybe now, we can go see your life, family, house, or workplace. A happy memory if you choose. What so coming to your awareness now?
Client - An old house, a big house. The outside walls are dirty. Big house, very dirty.
Therapist - Does anyone live there?
Client - I don’t know. I don’t think so.
Therapist - What is the significance of this house?
Client - It’s somewhere near my house.
Therapist - What is the significance of this house to you?
Client - It’s on the way to church.
Therapist - Shall we take a moment to explore your home now?
Client - A lady in a white gown, I think is my wife.
Therapist - What’s her name?
Client - Mary
Therapist - How old is Mary?
Client - Young, 30, she is beautiful.
Therapist - Can you look into her eyes? Is she connected to you in this life?
Client - No.
Therapist - Maybe look around the house and describe them to me?
Client - It’s a foreign place, very foreign. Mary looks to be an Anglo-Indian or English.
Client - House has steps, nice house.
Therapist - Do you know which year is this?
Client - 1858
Therapist - What else are you seeing or sensing?
Client - Thomas, Mary’s Dad. It’s his house, a beautiful house. Huge dining table.
Therapist - Who else lives in this house?
Client - Mary has a sister.
Therapist - How is your relationship with Mary?
Client - Very nice. We are newly married.
Therapist - Do you recognize the place?
Client - An old Portuguese, very beautiful.
Therapist - You can savor and relive this moment, taking some time to reflect on the significance this life has for you.
Therapist - Client - I love this life. Beautiful house, beautiful, people dressed well,
Maybe we can go a little further in this life to explore how you loved this life.
Client - I am with dad and mom, younger brother James.
Therapist - How old are you?
Client - 7
Therapist - What else is coming to your awareness?
Client - I am sitting with my parents under a tree
Therapist - Is this a picnic
Client – yes, it’s a picnic. Beautiful place
While you enjoy this memory you can seek more insight into the life
Client - I want to live like that.
Client - My mother is very caring, I am wearing a white T-shirt and white shorts, and James is also wearing the same. We both wear the same clothes.
Therapist - How old is James?
Client - Maybe we are twins, I enjoyed it.
Therapist - What is your name?
Client - Robert.
Therapist - What do your parents do for a living?
Client - I don’t know but my father keeps travelling.
Therapist - Maybe now is the time to see the lessons this life has for you grow old and how this life passed.
Client - I saw a snake in Mary’s house.
Therapist - What does that signify to you?
Client - I don’t know.
Therapist - So, you are married and living in Mary’s house.
Client - No, it was that day, I went. It was a celebration of an anniversary.
Therapist - Maybe we can go to your house and explore?
Client - Yeah, we had a carefree life, a good life. We were happy.
Therapist - Did you have any kids?
Client - NO
Therapist - How about James?
Client - I don’t know.
Therapist - What else is coming to your awareness?
Client - Lavish life, it was nice. Countryside and beautiful.
Therapist - How does that make you feel and connected to this life?
Client - I want to live in a place where there is a lot of greenery and out. I always liked the countryside. I never liked the crowded places.
Client - I go to the church on Sundays. From there to Mary; ‘s parents’ house. My parents were not living here. We lived in a different place.
Therapist - You can take your time to soak in this memory and as you do so, also maybe recall the purpose of this life.
Client - I think I did some fruit business. Apple.
Therapist - So, you had an apple orchard?
Client - Yes, I was into business, and I had a lot of money. Nice life. I remember myself as old. A nice candle-lit house, wine. I think I had a peaceful death.
Therapist - Can you see yourself and see your body? And float above and see what lessons you are to gather from this life.
Client - This life was good. It was abundant. It was peaceful. Not many responsibilities. Everything was taken care of. I did not have to do a lot of things. I just enjoyed my life with one person.
Therapist - What else is coming to your awareness now?
Client - I see, I went to the light,
Can you describe the light or feelings to me?
Client - Blissful. So nice. The light floating.
Therapist - What retrospective or life purpose or the next life
Client - I want to help people.
Therapist - How are you going to help people
Client - by doing, take up their responsibility. Their pain
Client - I think. Maybe I was given a life where I must take up responsibilities. I was carefree. I did not take up any. I don’t know. I enjoyed it very much.
Therapist - It’s okay, as this is in the past, and we can choose to carry the lessons forward with us. What else is coming to your awareness?
Client - A temple dome. Statue of Garuda. I am going with my mother, going to the temple.
Client - I have seen this temple in this life.
Therapist - Do you know where it is?
Client - Madurai Meenakshi temple. Goddess temple.
Therapist - How does the temple make you feel?
Client - It’s beautiful. A lot to walk.
Therapist - What does this temple mean to you?
Client - Safe.
Client - I am with my mother.
Therapist - Which year is this and how old are you?
Client - I am wearing green shorts. 7/8 yrs maybe.
Therapist - And your mother. What she is wearing.
Client - Wearing a red saree and a bindi. I saw this lady yesterday. She is the same lady I saw yesterday with the big bindi.
Client - I don’t recall my father. He was in the army.
Therapist - Which year in the army? Or anything that gives you a hint of this life
Client - My grandparents, we live with them. It’s a village. We have cows and a farmhouse.
Therapist - You are safe and protected, you can float above and watch though watching a movie or be in it.
Client - It’s a field. A lot of dry grass. We had goats, had a cousin friend. Who used to play with. Used to come home. I was a Tamilian.
Therapist - Moving further to a significant event in this life.
Client - I always see that greenhouse. Near the dessert space. Greenhouse.
Therapist - What does that mean to you?
Client - Dark not much of light. I am old.
Therapist - How old and who else is living with you?
Client - 63, I live with my son and daughter in life.
Therapist - Did you live a good life?
Client - Ok life.
Therapist - What lessons does this life bring out?
Client - Could have done better.
Therapist - How could you have done better?
Client - I could have gone out of the village and done better. I don’t like this.
Therapist - Maybe let’s now explore further this life and how this life passes.
Client - It was a normal death.
Therapist - What else is coming to your awareness now?
Client - I just want to move on.
The client was feeling restless and wanted to come out. I guided the client to the boat, inviting them to say their final goodbyes or share any last hugs, and then transitioned to the garden and FLP.
Therapist - What is coming to your awareness now?
Client - It’s kind of peaceful now. Enjoying this.
Therapist - Be fully present and embrace the learnings and insights meant for your current life. Whatever arises, welcome it with an open heart as you journey deeper into your soul’s purpose. Ask your higher self for any guidance it may offer, and trust the answers, no matter how subtle they may seem.
Client – SM says don’t worry. Everything will be alright.
Seek any further guidance or advice you might need.
Client – you need to regularly do your kriyas and don’t sway.

Step 3: Report and conclusion
After taking Buddha deeper into the trance, the session addressed his feelings of being trapped by societal expectations and his desire for freedom. By revisiting and reframing these past-life memories, Buddha began to recognize the parallels between his previous life and current life challenges, gaining deeper clarity and resolve.

Summary/Conclusion Of The Session Along With The Feedback Received From The Client Here.
Event Discontent over responsibilities
Subjective Interpretation The client associated joy with moments at their grandparents’ home but carried grief over their grandfather’s death. In a past life, they experienced regret from being tied to responsibilities and feeling restricted from pursuing personal freedom. Fear of parental authority and childhood anxieties resurfaced.

Emotional pain over the loss of their grandfather and feelings of being bound by duties in a past life created inner tension. The client also faced fear stemming from a strict upbringing and unresolved childhood fears.
Decision Made To Resolve The client resolved to practice bravery and avoid negative self-talk, focusing on overcoming societal pressures and personal limitations to embrace a freer, more fulfilling life.

Pain Assessment
Before Sessions 9
After Sessions 0


Hello @AnnVThomas , exploring other family members would have been a value add.
