The root of all eveil is abuse of power - Part 1

Dear Amarantos family,

With blessings of God, spiritual guides and with grace of our beloved master Venu, completed the PLR session.

Client Vitals:
Name: Mark (Name changed)
Male : 27 y/o
Hypnotizability score : 8
VAK : Primary Dominant sense: Kinesthetic: 9, Secondary sense Visual: 1, Auditory: 5
Eye roll test : 3 (2+1)
Pain level : 7/10
Pain level post session: 1

Brief background

I met mark at one of the naturopathy centers and we were roommates. He was on a tour to India. We connected well as we both were Vipassana Sadhak. While discussing on spirituality he said he was a spiritual explorer. I explained him about the PLR and he showed a keen interest for experiencing the therapy. I had enough time to build a good rapport with him knowing his likes dislikes and interests . Understanding the US accent was the challenging as he spoke with a low volume. I tried to match his accent and gestures to build a good rapport. Since I had office work, we decided to conduct session post 8 PM every day for 4 days.

Client history:

Mark was born in a Christian family with father, mother, and a brother. Childhood was average with as his parents both were working and could not dedicate much time. He got fascinated by Buddhism and while doing his masters in Buddhism he got into a relationship with a girl Sreva (name changed) from another country who too followed Buddhism and was a Vipassana Sadhak. Since he was not following Christianity , he could not be a part of the community and could not meet with his grandparents. Mark is a very soft spoke person and loves to meditate and could even meditate while walking. His bonding with Serva is very strong. However past few months she was with a long-distance relation with mark and developed a sense of emotion attachment with a person with whom she was studying.
However, she is very honest person and shared her emotions with mark which made him quite furious. Which developed a kind of rift between the couple and were at a verge of break-up. Serva wasn’t unfaithful to mark and even did not disclose her emotions with the person towards who she had this kind of feelings Whenever Mark had argument with her, he felt powerless. He also told that he is comfortable with the people with whom he felt powerful. However, this thing disturbed mark as she was not able to overcome the feelings. Mark was bit confuse on this relationship and wanted to have some clarity through PLR.
Mark felt that he could not speak his heart and wanted to explore the reason through PLR. While speaking he spoke with very low volume had to focus on each word to get the meaning of the sentence.

Session 1: 24th September 2024(8 pm to 10.30 pm).

Stages 1 to 8 were completed during the first session.
Theme was finalized post session 1 and session 2 as:
Feeling of powerless could have been a theme however went with the client’s intuition .
• Fear getting stuck somewhere you don’t want to be in.
• Fear of losing a close person.
• Fear of expressing true self.


Following short terms were used to shorten the narration.
T: This is what the therapist said.
C: This is what the client said.
Stress management was performed:
 If the change in facial expressions and breathing was observed, it was suggested to take a deep breath.
T:“ Take a deep breath and relax”.
 The part of the body which appeared stressful was suggested to relax.
T: “ You may relax your forehead , relax your eyes, your neck , your shoulders.”
 During extreme painful events it was suggested to float above the scene.
T: “ If you feel too uncomfortable, you may float above the scene as if watching from a distance.”
 Sometimes client was assured that he was safe in this life and is experiencing the past.
T: “You are safe here. Whatever you are experiencing now is just a past.”

 Stress management was performed depending upon the level of the pain and till the client appeared calm.

 Next significant event:
T: Can we go to the next most significant event of the lifetime?
C: Yes

In the narration, the exact words of client and therapist has been used.

Session 2: 25th September 2024 (8 pm to 11 pm)

The objectives were revisited with the client, and the theme was reviewed and confirmed.
We completed Stage 9 (checklist was verified). I asked him do not analyze whether it is pastlife or imagination. Experience as if you are watching a virtual reality show. You should communicate your feelings and experience with me even if it is a dot just say it is a dot. Informed him to feel free to adjust his body ,cry , laugh during the session. After he was comfortable, we proceeded to Stage 10.
IMR was explained.

We started with a prayer. He prayed lord Buddha.
We began with induction with Dave-Elman technique, followed by Progressive relaxation and further deepening with Ball of light method. The client was seen in a relaxed state (observed his relaxed breathing, relaxed body and relaxed eyeballs).
Visualization was carried out with a beautiful mountain with Alpine Lake below the mountain, which was surrounded by other mountains.

T: Let this mountain be your safe place and you can always float back to this mountain, if there is any distress.
He was able to visualize this beautiful place and enjoyed being in there.

The client could experience happy memories from his childhood , during the memory of his birthday he could count the number of candles on the cake and experience the taste of peanut butter while he was 5-year-old.
During his birthday a small girl of his age was very angry. He felt very furious. Stress management was done. Her face followed him during next event so explored few more events related to her. The face which followed looked like devil face.
Few more happy and sad memories were experienced, and stress management was done.

T: Should we go back to the mountain?
C: Yes .

Asked him to imagine a sea below the mountain .During reframing, Therapist guided him to reframe all the events which he experienced during the session. Future concerns worries and fears were also reframed. After throwing the boxes, the client mentioned he felt more relaxed.

(Post session discussion): After this session client showed the picture of the place he imagined. He was amazed as he could experience the taste of the peanut butter. He said that he felt lighter after he throwed the boxes in the sea.

Session 3: 24th September 2024 (7:50 pm to 00:40 pm)

We started with a prayer.
We proceeded with Dave-Elman followed by Progressive relaxation. Included client’s vocabulary at few places in the script.

T: Imagine a huge mirror surrounded and filled with divine light and asked him to imagine multiple reflections of the mirror. One on the mirror gravitates ( clients vocabulary )you towards it behind which may have an experience from where the fear of expressing your true self may have been originated. As I count from 3 to 1 at count of 1 enter this reflection …3.2…1

T: What comes to your awareness?

C: I could see online message board which I developed . The moderators banned my app as it was causing spam.

T: How to you feel about it ?

C: I feel that my voice is locked out.

T: Where do you feel this pain?

C: In my throat.

T: In a count of 3, you could experience this pain to be more severe increased to double, 5x. Client was in extreme pain. Instructed Client to form a imaginary bridge of this pain and link towards the origin of his suffering.
The affect bridge took him to the incident where he made a mistake, and his father refrained him to do a certain thing in his childhood. Here too he felt that his voice was locked out.
Used affect bridge three times each time he was in an experience where he was unable to express his true emotions in current life.
Guided him back to the garden and used few deepening techniques to relax him further.

T: Imagine a huge mirror surrounded and filled with divine light and imagine multiple reflections of the mirror. One on the mirror gravitates you towards it, behind this mirror , you may experience the memory or event from where the feeling that your voice been locked out has been rooted in a past lifetime . As I count from 3 to 1 at count of 1 enter this reflection of the mirror .3.2…1
T: What comes to your awareness?

C: My legs tingling . I am eating or something.

T: What are you eating. (Stress management was performed.)

C: just stuck here. Stress building up. (Stress management was performed.)

C: I am a pig. I see a man. He is tall standing in front of me I have to raise my head to see him. I have a memory of him he tied off me. I could not move. I see a man. A tall guy. I see other pigs they just watch. Feel powerless . (Stress management was performed.) I have been chopped off.(Stress management was performed.)

C: He took me out somewhere.

T: Can you look into his eyes and tell me who is he from your current life?

C: I could not see his eyes very clear he is cutting me off.

(Stress management was performed.)

C: I think its my dad.

T: What is happening?

C: I am dead. I see some blood marks on his face, and I see a face of a dead face of an ant.

T: What happens next ?

(Stress management was performed.)

C: Dad cutoff my head picked it over his head and tossed it.

T: how do you feel about it?

C: This is how it works.

T: what are your Last thoughts ?

C:I am not alone and there are many animals I feel the pain separated from the body and losing it.

Learning. Life is so much suffering sometimes we have so little choice. We have to relish on what we do have, and it will pass.
T: What are you carrying from this life to your current life?

C: Sense of powerlessness, sense outrage sadness fear .

T: What is the feeling for the person who chopped you?

C: I feel sorry for my dad.

T:(Stress management was performed.) (Wanted to get the classic pattern (KMF))

T: Can we go to the childhood as a life as a pig?

C: Yes

T: As I count from 3 to 1 and at the count of 1 let’s go back to the significant event of this life as a pig… 3…2…1

C: Crying. Some other pigs . can you recognize them from this lifetime? Look into their eyes.

(Stress management was performed.) My mom is tied, and siblings are all pigs. She has same energy as Serva (his current partner). Stress builds crying.

C: I know that she is not going to be there for much longer. She is taken by that man she dies.

(Stress management was performed.)

Next significant event:

We are playing in lot of mud. Couple of other growing pings . slogging slapping playing around.

Can you recognize anyone from this lifetime?

My sister(pig) is my friend Soumya(name changed) . ( Background of this girl :during history taking, he told me about the relationship with this Indian origin NRI girl, who was studying with him. They were about to indulge romantically but she got a feeling that they are brothers and sisters and they stopped. )

Next significant event.

C: We squeal because they are separating us and taking me away.

(Stress management was performed.)

C: I am resting in a cage . A woman puts me in a cage.
T: Could you recognize the women from current life ?

C: She is professor I have.

Next significant event.

C: I am injured can’t move very much.

(Stress management was performed.)

T : Where is the injury in your body?

C: Legs. Its challenging to move so getting lazy and fat. There are other animals like horse and bull.

Next significant event.

C : I see a cat wandering around . yawning . jumps around. Keeps distance from me. Wanders around.

T: Sense her energy and feel if there is any connection from the current life.
C: Its Vishnu.(friend) I have a sense of companionship.

Next significant event.

C: I am better now. I think this is the see a woman who looks compassionately. She is looking at me.

He cries. (Stress management was performed.)

T: Can you look at her eyes and sense her energy .

C :She is looking at me and she wants me to do something, and I just sit there and doing nothing. Just playing in the breeze. I snored …( laughs) . I see the face of an ant. ( later in this session he saw himself in the body of an ant)

Next significant event.

Crying . stress is builds (Stress management was performed.)

C: Its judgement day. I hear yelling . I am no longer going to suffer. I just wait for it.

T:What happens next?

C: Same thing the dad shows off just drags me .

(Stress builds. (Stress management was performed.)

C: He brought a rope, and he has that tries to tie around me . I resist the only thing I have to do is to resist him.

C: I stopped resisting. (Stress management was performed.)

Stress builds. (Stress management was performed.)

C: He ties the rope around my neck. He chops off my head by neck. Same thing as before. He tosses off my head … he drinks some of the blood. I lost my head and I feel things feel life getting away. And I feel ok.

T: What are your last thoughts?

C: I miss my mother and I miss my sister. Crying .(Stress management was performed.)

T: What’s happening now? I could feel the separation of my head and yearning to put head back to the body.

(Stress management was performed.)

C: Sleep very sound. Time passes . They heat my body. (Stress management was performed.)

C: I see the face of an ant. I feel very connected to the whole system. See the ant again.

T:What are you carrying from this life to the current life.

C: Carrying comfort in solitude . Acknowledge that life is more of suffering. A sense of wanting to have power over life . over its suffering . Changing conditions. Desire of to not to live in fear.

T: What do you need to experience in this life to achieve not to live in fear and get power over life .

C:I have to experience on choosing of the path. Rather than live for being chosen by others.

What you need to experience in this lifetime to feel powerful. Stress building up. (Stress management was performed.)

Need to experience lot of suffering to gain the power. Cries .(Stress management was done)

T: Is it okay to suffer to gain power?

C: it’s necessary .

T: You need to experience any other lifetime where you feel powerless?

C: yes

T: Let’s go back to a lifetime where this feeling of being powerless is being rooted. 3…2…1 What comes to your awareness?

C : I am an Ape. I am the weakest ape of the group. I have to eat the leftovers . They get all females. I am eating and the other apes pushing me . I am always hungry. When I try to fight it hurts.

T : Can we go to the next significant event of this lifetime as Ape?

C: Yes

T : As I count from 3 to 1 let’s go to the most significant event of this life at count of one. 3…2…1

What comes to your awareness?

Stress building up … Crying

T: Relax , breathe deeper.

C: Its serva (his current partner) , … We have to be smart … We have to plan things . We are separate from the group. It’s difficult to survive. Crying.

T : Relax take deep breathe.

T : Should we go to the next significant event of this lifetime ?

C: Yes

T: As I count from 3 to 1 let’s go to the most significant event of this lifetime as Ape at count of one. 3…2…1 What comes to your awareness?

C: We have a little nest we have a little child . Stress is building up. Crying too much.

T : Relax. Take deep breathe . float above the scene if it’s too uncomfortable. It’s a past you are safe here. (Stress management was performed for long time as stress was significant)

C: They have the child the child is eaten.

T: Who eats the child?

C: Fox or something.

T: How to you feel about it?

C: Sadness. Very dejected and suppressed.

(Stress management was performed.)

T : Can we go to the next significant event of this lifetime as Ape?

C: Yes

T : As I count from 3 to 1 let’s go to the most significant event of this life at count of one. 3…2…1 What comes to your awareness?

C: I left alone to search for food. I think we are more monkeys than Ape.
Stress was building up.(Stress management was performed.)

C:Client says something but could not be understood.

(Stress management was performed.) as too much crying and trauma.
C: Can you take some tissues out from my cupboard. Helped him wipe his nose and tears.

T : Can we go to the next significant event of this lifetime as Ape?

C: Yes

T : As I count from 3 to 1 let’s go to the most significant event of this life at count of one. 3…2…1

Lot of stress building up . crying a lot. Done (Stress management was performed for longer time.

C: She is dead. Lot of hyenas below us.

(Stress management was performed for few moments. Client takes a long deep breathe. Feels relaxed. Wipes nose a lot.)

C: I am torn apart by the hyenas. (Stress management was performed for longer time.)

T: What were your last thoughts?

C: We have to be very careful.

T : What are you carrying from this life to the current life?

C: Wipes his nose a lot with tissue. Love, care, hesitance , because of being , need to setup proper conditions for safety. Feeling of powerless.

T: Do you feel that the feeling of powerless is originating from any other life?

C: Yes

T: Let’s go to a lifetime where the feeling of powerless has been originated. I will count from 3…2…1
Choose to be in a lifetime where the feeling of powerless has been originated.

C: I am an ant.

C: I am living life as an ant.

T : I see people walking. I am getting some signal , We sometimes.
follow some signals and if the signals loss, then message . ( few words were not very clear )

T: Should we go to the next significant moment of this life as an ant?

C: Yes

T : As I count from 3 to 1 let’s go to the most significant event of this life at count of one. 3…2…1
What comes to your awareness?

C: Life just moves out. I was stepped on.

T: What were yours last thoughts?

C: The queen is so powerful.

T: can you look into her eyes and see if there is any relation of the Queen in current lifetime ?

C: Queen is so ugly , but there is something about her which I admire her power. She reminds me of my friend shael from this life.

C:Be careful about living other people’s vison.

Suffering is so random. We never know when it is time. Sometimes you see a signal of the footsteps approaching.
I heard a sound and didn’t interpret that I going to die. I have some awareness of power of queen, and I admire that.

T:What are you carrying from this life to the current life?

C: Following the nature. Habit of following,

T:What you need to get rid of Habit of following.

T: Don’t want to follow.

T: Do you feel that the feeling of powerless is originating from any other life?

C: Yes

T: Let’s go to a lifetime where the feeling of powerless has been originated. I will count from 3…2…1
At the count of 1 you may choose to be in a lifetime where the feeling of powerless has been originated.

C: I feel like a floating spirt and my neck is very small. And I looking at world through a wholeness. And sometimes could I see people eating very good food . And sometimes I could see people having sex.Sometime I can see people being happy and people being in business. I feel like I want to be part of these things. Whatever I have isn’t satisfying. Doesn’t feel like what I want. Not enough food.

T: Are you in a body ? can you look at your feet?

C: Wobbly legs : I am a child .

T: What happens next?

C: I am concealed in an enclosure , I get food sometimes , I eat it.

T : Can we go to the next significant event of this lifetime as child?

C: Yes

T : As I count from 3 to 1 let’s go to the most significant event of this life at count of one. 3…2…1 . What comes to your awareness?

C: I want to say I my throat is getting dry, I do not have any water. I am angry at being kept like this.

T: You are in which body?

C: I am a boy. A child.

T: What does your legs look?

C: Dark legs and I don’t have shoes . Very thin.

T : What is your name?

C: Alan

T: Alan, can we go to the supper time of this day ? I will count from 3 to 1

C: You said supper time ?

T: yes. dinner time.

C: There are some rats , I am feeling . Whenever I move around to do something but there is nothing to do?

T: What this place look like. So bad … who else is around ?

C: it’s Just me.

T : Can we go to the next significant event of this lifetime as Alan?

C: Yes

T : As I count from 3 to 1 let’s go to the most significant event of this life at count of one. 3…2…1 . What comes to your awareness?

C: I imagine my mother . her breasts like spears. Everything that nourishes me like heals me.

T : Can we go to the next significant event of this lifetime as Alan?

C: Yes.

T : As I count from 3 to 1 let’s go to the most significant event of this life at count of one. 3…2…1 . What comes to your awareness?

C: I am becoming a teenager .

T : what is this place ? which country it is?

C : I don’t know.

T : what type of cloths you are wearing ?

C: Same clothes I been wearing . rotten dirty pants. As a teenager I am learning about my body. I imagine a girl and pleasure myself. I don’t know how to get out of here.

T : Can we go to the next significant event of this lifetime ?

C: Yes

T : As I count from 3 to 1 let’s go to the most significant event of this life at count of one. 3…2…1 . What comes to your awareness?

C: I get something like a kid. The kid is calling me. And I want him to come down so that he gets trapped too. And he does . He falls in and gets hurt.

T: Can you look into his eyes and see if you relate to anyone from this lifetime?

Stress building. Crying.

T: Relax , take deep breathe.

C: I feel bad .so I let some I offer him food. He speaks some language I don’t understand it.

C: Crying.We both taken out of the cell.

T: How long you were you were in that cell?

C: Since I was child , since my mom was killed.

T: Since child till teenage?

C: My mom was killed by a spear. Since then, I was in this cell.

C: The boy speaks the same language as the man.

T:Can we go to the last moment of this lifetime?

C: Yes

T : As I count from 3 to 1 let’s go to the most significant event of this life at count of one. 3…2…1 . What comes to your awareness?

C: The boy is gone. The boy was taken by his they didn’t feed me. I got sick and started to cough. He Coughs a lot.

T: Relax. Your throat, relax your eyes. Your shoulders.

C:The man looks at me in unpassionate eyes.

(Client’s voice and body looked very weak like a sick person.)

T: look at his eyes and him and sense his energy to check if you can relate it with anyone from your current life.

C: I think he is my grandfather.

C: I am starving.

T: Can we go to the next significant event?

C: I am starving and coughing. I am going to die feeling unconscious . same thing happened over and over a lot. I saved my energy for it so I can enjoy.

(Stress is building)

T: Relax your chest .your abdomen what happens next?

C: There was a cough in my throat.

T: what were your last though while you were dying?

C: Unfulfilled.

T: What was the learning from this lifetime?

C: Not to heart others. I did to child, and they heart my mom.

T: What are you caring from this life to current life.

C: Wanting. Wanting to be a part of . (dint say any further)
Sense of having lived a lot. Feeling of being stuck. Feeling of not enough.
Feeling unsatisfied.

T: what do you need to experience in this lifetime to not to be unfulfilled , feeling being stuck, feeling not enough unsatisfied?

C: I want to choose , where I live , how I live , what I eat . power to protect .

(It was almost 5 hours and late around 12:45 AM midnight.)

T: Do you want to experience more of the Alan’s life, or you come back?

C: Want to come back.

T: Let’s leave all the negative feelings of this lifetime like feeling of stuck , feeling unfulfilled , feeling not enough , unsatisfied and come back to the mountain feeling refreshed.

T : As I count from 3 to 1 let’s go back to the mountain.

Communication with master

C: Take care of others, be vigilant, don’t hurt others , forgive, don’t be in a rush already been waiting for some while . you can wait for more. You already have conditions and other you can cultivate. About Serva(Current girlfriend), he is saying she and i have been wrapped together for a while, what should be next is up to me, …laughs.

T: What do you feel about it ?

C: Ability to choose and validate.

C: My choice is my choice whatever it is … (Laughs)

T : What have you chosen.

C: I haven’t chosen.

Since there is a limit of words per case , continued to part 2
Please read - Click on the below link to read root of all evil is abuse of power. Part-2

[The root of all evil is abuse of power.- Part-2

The root of all evil is abuse of power.- Part-2

Thank you for dedicating your time to read this case. Your honest review and suggestions will help improve my understanding for future sessions. :pray:




Congratulations @Ashish-Meher - I had goosebumps while reading :blush:

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