The root of all evil is abuse of power.- Part-2


Continued from part1.

Please read the Topic - the root of all evil is abuse of power. Part-1

Session 4: September 27 ( 5:00 AM to 8 AM)
Therapist sensed that there could be a trauma in the life as Alan (boy) so wanted to get the KMF.

T: Imagine a glass filled with divine light safe light and has multiple reflections. One of the reflation gravitates you and has the experience past life small boy Alan, and you may choose to go near to that reflection this experience as a boy Alan. Once you are near to that field that near to that you can indicate with your finger. As a call from 3 to one you may choose to be into that experience as a small boy Alan. 3 2 1 enter and let me know what comes to your awareness.

T: What Is happening?

I am Iā€™m in the room and itā€™s loud. Can you look at your feet and see how the feet looks like.
Pretty long and thin, kind of brown.

T: Whatā€™s your name. Look at yourself and let me know.

C: Having difficulty, lot of pressure surrounding sounds that the earth makes.

C: I donā€™t really know donā€™t really have a clear picture what goes in goes on.
T: I will count from 3 to 1 at count on 1 maybe it would be clear to you. 3ā€¦2ā€¦1
(Stress building. Stress management was performed)

T: How that place looks like?

C: I feel the different textures along the wall. Itā€™s grey sparkles like stars.

T: Letā€™s go to the supper time what comes to your awareness. What are you experiencing?

C: I think we need to go back to the mountain and try again.

Guided him to come to the mountain and performed deepening.

Therapist decided to get the classic pattern (KMF) for the life as a monkey and see if there is any residue.

C: Iā€™m resting on a tree, me and Serva (directly calls her partners name of current life) is there weā€™re we are curled up. Being this experience how are you feeling about it? Besides the shares from trees and branches loud. Itā€™s not a total calmness. There is a fear and concern of survival.

T: Where are you sensing this fear?

C: In my stomach.

T: Relax abdomen relax stomach feel safe take a deep breath in your abdomen and relax let go. It is just a past life you are experiencing.

C: It seems the difficulty in digestion as Iā€™m eating whatever I can. Crying. (Stress management was performed). I fear losing her I fear losing and being all alone.

T: (Reframing) Having experienced all these lifetimes we know that we are never alone, and we connect back.

I think she was my mother as a boy she was my mother who got killed weā€™ll explore that (client connects with the Alans life)

(Cries a lot. Stress management was performed)

T: What comes to your awareness?

C:I think there is danger really young and itā€™s dark.

C: Iā€™m starting to cry as a young child may be a baby.

T: What is your age?

C: Iā€™m still breast-feeding and so she open breasts to feed me and stop my crying.

C: And itā€™s dark and fire around. I could hear yelling noises people dying.

(Stress builds up. Crying. (Stress management was performed)

T: Whatā€™s happening?

C: Iā€™m and in breastfeeding she pushes me away suddenly in her arms at that moment she gets stabbed through the back with spear. (Stress management was performed)
Identification for (Fear of losing people) anchored and reframed by suggesting that Serva who he identifies as the boyā€™s mom is alive in the current life and you are just experiencing a past life.

T: What are you experiencing?

C: Next thing I know I am in a cage I think she dropped me sheā€™s dead. I am taken by a man.

I just remember her breast like Spears Iā€™m sitting there just against the wall remembering that.

T: How old are you?

C: Maybe 10 not sure.

T: Can we go back to the moment again where your mother was stabbed?

C: yeah.

T: Iā€™ll count from 3 to 1 , at count of I you may choose to be in that experience again when mother was stabbed 3ā€¦2ā€¦1 .

C: I am sucking her breasts. (Stress management was performed as the stress was building up)

T: Youā€™re safe here. you are just experiencing the past. what happens next?

C: some sounds of weapons and. Somebody get stabbed.

T: Do you know him?

Sheā€™s learning holding me against her breasts. scared already feeling about it scared and I feel like wanting morning more milk.

T: How old are you?

C: May be 2 may be 3?

T What happens next?

C: There is fire. There is smoke hard to breathe. itā€™s pretty hard to breathe hard and hot. (Stress management was performed)

C: I feel that Iā€™ve been hold so tightly. Then that comes from the corner (crying), then the man comes around the corner just stabs her. Then I can breathe little more. He pulls the out spear and runs away. . (Stress management was performed)

T: How many people were there?

C: Several hundred people.

T: What happens next?

She keeps me at distance and sheā€™s still standing up sheā€™s looking at me she holds me.

T:How do you feel?

C: Shocked.

(Stress management was performed)

C: Itā€™s like life is going out of her eyes. She shakes her head and puts me down. And I know Iā€™m supposed to run and hide. But then somebody picks me up. (Crying) (Stress management was performed)

C: Person holding me seems gentle. He takes me to a place with other people who look like a prisoner.

T: Which country it could be?

C: Skin is brown.

T: Can we go to the next significant event of this lifetime?

C:There are older men and some women have and couple of young men older people group wounding rope.(Stress management was performed). I havenā€™t been bound but feel powerless want to get up and run and do something but couldnā€™t. I am very scared look around me and see how unable they are they canā€™t do anything. I remember my mom and I started to cry but somebody like a teenager approached me. lot of responsibilities at 16 he just talks to me and just see in his eyes log off loss.

T: what is his name? Can you look into his eyes and see if there is any connection with present life?

C: It is sort of hazy I am not sure exactly but seems like my friend aponzso or Govinda. I Donā€™t cry.

T: How old are you?

C: Two or three years.

T: What could be this year what number flashes?

C: 1400. Can we go to the next significant event? Stress building up (Stress management was performed)

C: They tell us to walk . I donā€™t know how.
T: How old are you this time?

C: Same. One of picks me up. Then there was fire all around noises. And then I imagined my mother burning into fire. I was hit by a guyā€™s hand. (Stress management was performed) There are greay pebbles in the room and Iā€™m barefoot and it hurts me the guy says something and the light dim about and all is grey, and I feel my life is all grey. ( (Stress management was performed)

T: What happens next?

C: Whole lot of nothing.

T: Can we go to the next significant event of this lifetime?

C: There is a lot of anguish of being here feel my skin losing colour I want to see sun a tiny ray sometimes i stand in a tiny ray. Ray so small. Feel little bit warm.

Next significant event.

C: I hear a voice calling to me.

T: What is his name?

No idea. I make some sound to respond back to. Little hard to make sound I forgot how. Heā€™s calling for a while I look at him, I look at him and seems my friend Sohun (His friend from current life.)
and heā€™s telling me I am an idiot.

T: Can we go to the next significant event of this lifetime?

He is there in the room. He didnā€™t expect to fall he didnā€™t expect to get injured, and I think heā€™s kind of stupid. he is needing care, but I donā€™t have anything to give him.

T: How are you feeling about it?

C: Kind of a loss. kind of empathetic I need to care but canā€™t do anything. And if he dies there. I feel like feel like my anger is displaced toward him because he was free. He must be from the side of people who destroyed the village.

Next most significant event.

C: Feel that the people who destroyed us are smarter than because of which we got destroyed. Iā€™m amazed of humanā€™s stupidity. I painted the picture in my mind the people who defeated us as strong better than us. So, I want to become them. I become then I get out of there. But that image got destroyed because heā€™s as stupid as me.

Next most significant event.

C: I feel outrage as though I wanted to believe that the people holding me had a smart plan. I wanted to feel had some wisdom. Wanted to feel that they were right.

T: whatā€™s makes you to say that. That would make me to have some purpose.

T: What is your age?
C: Probably 12.

Next significant event.

C: I will be like 15 years old, and I am really hungry. Canā€™t sleep so well and the air is really bad. And stuck in there so long. And I have been coughing. my throt feels bad. Hitting the walls but hurts so stopped. feeling lost. feel grey inside. Feel like to pupe but canā€™t as there is nothing inside. feeling forgotten. they havenā€™t given me food for a while. feeling. Water drooping from celling. The ceiling is so small for me as I have grownup. My fingers I look at it feel in my mount suck it try to bite but canā€™t.

T: Out of hunger?

C: Out of hunger and boredom. The real matter that continues that I donā€™t matter. The people that are holing me havenā€™t heard anything no food for couple of days.
Donā€™t feel lot of energy left in my body. I havenā€™t. (Stress management was performed) havenā€™t pooped in several days. Itā€™s not enough. want to yell but there is no point there is no body to hear. ((Stress management was performed).

T: I understand you are going through. With your current understanding send Love to this child.

Next Significant event

C: Very angry, I hit my head against the wall, dizzy. I bang the hands it hurts. Sit down. And feel like I am going crazy, there is no food, no so much water, I feel sick, donā€™t understand. I just feel stuck. Nothing anyone can do nothing I can do. (Stress management was performed)

T: Can we go to the end of this lifetime? 3ā€¦2ā€¦1

C: I see myself shrunken against the wall. my body is sat against the wall lifeless. ((Stress management was performed).

T: What are you last thoughts.

C: I think of my mom dying. Watch her burning. I feel unlucky to survive so long. I feel peace. I have cough in my through. My eyes close.

What happens next.

C: I smile. I die.

T: How are you feeling now?

C: Can feel Over with it. Tough passthrough
T: What are your last thoughts?

C: Life is a sense of injustice. Wonder at randomness. people just killing dying not understanding why?

C: Wanting to understand why. Wanting to see my mom again. Little bit of peace of being alone.

T: What are you carrying from this life to current life?

C: Some abilities, comfort in surrounded in the smell, illness, malnourishment, wanting to be with my mom.

C: Wanting to understand why people do what they do. And the outrage of what people do.

Do you want to explore any lifetime to get the answers?

C: Yes. I want to use the restroom too.
(Guided the client back to the garden)

Conversation with the master.

T: You may ask what best could have been done where you felt powerless.

C: He said just experience it without judging.

C: Understand there is no reason to wonder the reason why. Smiling face. to be careful with power and strength. Because just it was missed used on me, I could misuse on others.
(Smiling face). to be careful with power and strength.
T: You may ask questions which you feel are not answered.

C: What that I do is long pauseā€¦ he tells I wasnā€™t ready for what I had. Nothing to worry about.

T: Feel the peace with the master. You can access this peace whenever you need.

After the session the client said that during the conversation with the master, he got a message that one of the lifetimes he was a king, and his current girlfriend was queen and he hurt his people and misused his powers. He also was unfaithful with the queen.

Closure & Integration:

ā€¢ Fear getting stuck somewhere you donā€™t want to be in.

This fear was identified form the life of the little boy Alan where he was stuck in the underground cell with no food , water and with worst living conditions.
Integration: The message from master was ā€œEexperience life without judging.ā€
Recommended client to practice acceptance. He was already into Vipassana to maintain equilibrium of mind towards life experience.

ā€¢ Fear of losing a close person.

It was identified in the life of Alan where he lost this mother at age of 2 years.
It was also identified in the life of Monkey where he lost his child and partner (current life partner). Lot of trauma was released. During the incidents suggestions were given that you are safe here and your partner is also safe in this life. This could act as reframing statements.

ā€¢Fear of expressing true self.

Multiple events were in the current life were experience where client felt that his voice has been locked out.

The same theme took him to the life as a Pig where he felt he was not able to do as per his wish and could not avoid or change circumstances.

MLearning from life of pig ā€œ life is so much suffering sometimes we have so little choice. We have to relish on what we do have, and it will pass.ā€ (Self reframing )
Post client said that after PLR he found himself expressing well.

ā€¢Feeling powerless.

The feeling of powerlessness was brought up during discussion where the client felt powerless when he had rifts with his partner and said that he was comfortable only with the people with whom he felt powerful. Client has come to the naturopathy center to gain weight as he was thin and his muscles were weak. May be it was due to the life as Alan where he starved and life as Monkey where he did not get enough food and had to eat anything he got.
Feeling of powerless was felt in the life of Pig , then the theme navigated him to the life of Monkey, ant and the boy Alan. Message from LBL state was ā€“ ā€œI have to experience on choosing of the path. Rather than live for being chosen by others.ā€
C: I have to experience on choosing of the path. Rather than live for being chosen by others.

Suggested the book ā€˜ NLP (Nuro linguistic programming) the Essential Guideā€™ by Tom Hoobyar to gain power over his life.
Suggested to ask for forgiveness to God for misuse of the power you might have done in previous lifetime and assure that it will not be done again.

Suggested to ask for forgiveness from Serva his current partner ( In person or through mind )for being unfaithful to her in life as king.(Message from the master)
Clients feedback after 15 days post final session in his own words.

Some positive changes:
I feel more compassionate and understanding, especially toward Serva.(Current partner)

ā I feel more at ease with my suffering, less in need of asking the question ā€œwhyā€.

Right now, my fear of losing a close person is low ā€” doesnā€™t even come up, maybe 1/10
Fear of getting stuck somewhere I donā€™t want to be is there, but diminishing as Iā€™m accepting my situation and working with where I am.

Fear of expressing true self is definitely decreased. I feel pretty empowered.

Thank you for dedicating your time to read this case. Your honest review and suggestions will help improve my understanding for future sessions.


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