What does a NO means

This is the client for whom I previously sought assistance regarding how to conduct an assessment for a blind person. While I believe I’ve done everything correctly, I’d appreciate your feedback to ensure I haven’t overlooked anything. Please review the transcription, and let me know if any of you have encountered a similar situation.

At the end of both the second and third sessions, the client was not allowed to proceed further, as the vision of “NO” kept appearing. You may also notice that the client frequently jumped from one memory to another before we could explore them in depth. Each time we attempted to go deeper, the “NO” vision and an entity would stop him.

After the third session, the client experienced a headache upon emerging, so my primary focus shifted to his well-being. He left about half an hour after the session, and it completely slipped my mind to ask him to rate the pain level after therapy. I did message him the same day to get his rating, but I missed his call.

Following the third session, the client, who had previously been engaged and responsive, suddenly stopped communicating. Although he had initially expressed interest in continuing with further sessions, he did not reach out again after the third one. I made several attempts to stay in touch by calling, leaving voice messages, and sending texts—mostly out of concern for his well-being. He responded initially, saying he was fine and would call, but no follow-up communication occurred. This was surprising, as he had been quite communicative before. Ultimately, I respect that the client has the final say on whether to continue or not. At this point, no further sessions are planned, especially after the client’s comment: “I am not going to do this anymore.”

I’d love to hear your thoughts on what you would have done in a similar situation. Let’s discuss and learn from each other. Thank you.

Client Vitals

Na,M,55,10/10,Client is Blind, A(9)K(5),Blindness,7/10,nil(after)

History Taking

The client talks about his life, starting with multiple near-death experiences (NDEs) from a young age and losing his eyesight due to medical mistakes. The client explains how he became blind 19 years ago due to doctor’s negligence during eye surgeries and how his life changed because of it. Despite being blind, he has continued working at a bank for over 20 years and is the only blind person working in operations in the banking industry. The client eventually sought treatment in India, where a top eye specialist explained that his condition could have been treated earlier but was now irreversible due to the damage. The client reflects on the challenges and extra costs that come with being blind, such as needing help to travel or complete work tasks.

He shared his experience of losing his eyesight and traveling to a hospital in Kerala, India, where after treatment, he regained partial vision. The client describes the experience as miraculous, noting improvements like seeing shadows and movements, although his vision remains unclear. Despite the challenges, he has remained resilient, finding contentment and living his life to the fullest, even considering volunteer work in an ashram. The client reflects on how society views disabilities and how he’s surpassed expectations, inspiring others along the way. Although there have been challenges and insecurities from others, he remains undeterred, focusing on what he can do rather than competing with anyone.

Ultimately, the client has accepted his circumstances and continues to push himself while embracing life’s opportunities. He mentions that he sometimes feels angry and frustrated with others, especially when people don’t meet his expectations. The client realizes this anger comes from wanting others to be as capable as he is. To cope with these feelings, he meditates and finds peace in his surroundings. He also reflects on how his mother’s words help him manage his emotions. Moving on, the client is curious about his past life, wanting to understand who he is and if past experiences influence his current challenges. He seeks knowledge and insight rather than expecting miraculous changes, hoping to uncover connections to his current situation, learn valuable lessons from his past, and leave behind anything that no longer serves him.

Number of sessions and overview – 3 sessions.

1st session

2nd Aug 2024 – Stage 1 to 8-1545-1900 / (3.45pm – 7.00pm) 3hrs 15mins

2nd session

3rd Aug 2024 – Stage 8 to 12-0915-1400 / (9.15am – 2.00pm) 4hrs 45mins

Induced using Dave Elman, then progressive relaxation

Visualization- Light, Stairs and Forest

Childhood Memory 1

T: Share with me what comes to your awareness.

C: Small flat I am 6 year old sitting at the balcony looking at the car moving. Someone is calling me, I am getting up going towards the person. Its food time

T: Who is with you?

C: My siblings we are sitting on the floor, father and uncle sitting on the table.

T: Is that normal for you to sit on the floor?

C: Yeah, children’s.

T: How are you feeling, re-living this memory?

C: There is excitement I am really enjoying it. Grandfather is there too. Mother is serving food for father and others.

T: How was your relationship with your grandfather?

C: Good, he was very compassionate and always fighting for me.

T: This is a wonderful way for you to re-experience past and you can always revisit this memory if ever you feel low, down in life because this is a moment where life was full of love, being amongst your loved once and so much of love and happiness everywhere and sometimes as adults we lack on that. Do you want to be here a little longer? Or shall we proceed?

C: Proceed

Childhood Memory 2

T: Share with me what are you experiencing or what comes to your awareness?

C: I look like my brother when I was young.

T: How old are you there?

C: Not sure but I am sitting somewhere, got no much hair. Probably 2 years old.

T: Who else is around you?

C: I am just walking everywhere, sitting down there, toys there. I don’t know where this is.

(Told client to explore at the count of 3 to 1 it will come to his awareness where he is, but the memory jumped to older age)

C: I am on a cycle, cycling around in front the house.

T: What is your age here, still 2 or older?

C: It’s a tricycle maybe around 5 years old, because I can see my younger sister is already there, lying down inside the house

T: Is this your house?

C: Yes, mother is busy cooking in the kitchen, grandfather is outside.

T: How do you feel seeing yourself on the tricycle?

C: I am happy cycling around.

T: Take a moment and explore the memory and scene. Share with me what more comes to your awareness and once you are ready let me know and we will proceed further.

(Client was silent for some time and said ready to proceed)


T: Share with me what comes to your awareness.

C: I can see my mother on the bed. Hospital bed. Some nurses are talking to her. I am not born yet.

T: Is she pregnant with you?

C: I am seeing her on the bed but from a different position.

T: What position are you seeing?

C: I am able to float so I am able to see everything that’s going around. I am floating.

T: How do you feel being able to have this experience and watch everything from a different perspective?

C: I don’t know what’s happening. I am floating and able to see my mother. The nurses are talking to my mother, giving her things and some tablets. But I am not physically present there.

T: Here client suddenly made some sounds like hmmmmmm as though something was happening. Asked him what he is experiencing?

C: I am being zapped backwards. My mom is in the garden at plantation but not pregnant. I am able to see her and I am not in physical form. She is talking to someone. Mother is working. My grandparents are also there.

T: How old do you think your mother is here?

C: Not sure but looking very young and thin. Maybe 20 or no probably even younger. There is a river, no…no a swamp. Ohhhhh. I remember being here. This is my grandparent’s old estate house. You need to cross over the swamp. To go to a cow shed. Two coconut trees are laid across.

T: Is your mum married here?

C: I think no because she looks very young.

T: Explore the scene and try to understand why this memory came up. Is there anything which you need to explore or understand?

C: Not sure

T: Does this memory has any connection the hospital memory?

C: I can see her on the bed. She is young there too. But I know being zapped out. Being sucked out somewhere. Not sure what’s happening.

T: One thing for sure with this experience now you understand how you can re-live any memory and experience it from a multi-dimensional side. Would you like to be here longer?

C: Silent for some time and said no proceed

Love being

C: I am sitting at the riverbank, there is this entity who joins me, this figure showing me to keep quite. Putting her finger on her lips asking me to be silent.

T: Ask for guidance or clarity, what is the reason she is doing that?

C: She is just smiling and ruffling with my hair.

T: How do you feel being beside this entity?

C: Oh nice. She is smiling.

I wanted the client to explore the scene or try to connect with his guide, as he had mentioned during history-taking. After the Kerala treatment, the client can see very little, describing as though there is a white cloth covering his vision. He had sensed the presence of a wise being, whom he feels is his guide, a figure he described as old with a long white beard. The client has seen glimpses of him a few times, despite of being blind. However, the client said, ‘I want to come out,’ as he was feeling tired due to back pain and could not remain in the same position for long. It was already more than 3 hours.

3rd session

8th Aug 2024 – Stage 9 to 15-0930-1230 / (9.30am – 12.30pm) 3hrs

Induced using Dave Elman, then progressive relaxation

Visualization- Light, Stairs and Forest


T: Take your time and share with me what comes to your awareness?

C: Sitting down, I think birthday celebration, 1 year old birthday celebration.

T: What is happening at your birthday celebration?

C: So many people.

T: You be able to speak to me louder.

C: Unable to, feels there is something blocking at my throat.

(Cleared the discomfort with the count of 3 to 1)

T: Going back to the memory……before I could continue client started talking.

C: Wow…I Can see a bright light, very nice glow.

T: Would you want to go close to the light?

C: Hmmm, now suddenly I am looking at a door, can see my grandfather sitting on the chair. He is having his breakfast. I am outside.

T: How old are you?

C: I think about 2 or 3 years old.

T: What are you doing?

C: I am outside the house, looking at the huge land. Some cars and bicycle passing by. Somebody is calling my name. I am smiling.

T: How do you feel to re-experience this memory?

C: I feel there are a lot of trees, think I am at grandparents’ house now. At the estate. Old house. Sitting on the table, having breakfast. Everyone is at the table having breakfast. Grandfather is sitting at the head of the table. Father, mother, grandmother, great grandmother.

T: Isn’t this wonderful to re-experience this beautiful memory

C: Yeees I like this. This is beautiful. (Client was a little emotional here)

T: Take some time to relive this memory once you are ready to proceed let me know and remember you can always revisit this beautiful memory whenever you want too. Close your eyes take a deep breath and just imagine being there.

Past Lives

C: I’m in a land, not so far. No plants……silent……on a boat.

T: You’re in a boat now?

C: In the ocean. There’s three of us and I am looking towards two other people in front of me.

T: There are three of you in the boat? Is it day or night time?

C: It’s in the morning.

T: It’s in the morning. Do you know where you’re going?

C: Two of them are talking to each other, I am just looking at them.

T: Do you know the other two people?

C: I’m not sure.

T: Take your time to explore and see what comes to your awareness. Look into their eyes and see if you recognize or it will come to your understanding if you know them from this life.

C: (Silent)

T: Share with me what comes to your awareness. You do not have to analyse. We’ll talk in details later.

T: Are you still in the boat with them?


C: No.

T: So what are you experiencing now?

C: I think it’s a pyramid, I am at the pyramid.

T: You are at the pyramid? What are you doing there?

C: Giving instructions to people.

T: How old are you?

C: I’m pretty young, but I’m holding a whip in my hand.

T: Young as in roughly?

C: I think mid 30’s.

T: Mid 30’s and you say you’re holding a whip in your hand? What are you doing with the whip?

C: It’s like whipping the floor, getting the attention of the people around me and then dividing them and giving instructions.

T: Take your time to explore about who you are there exactly. Why are you getting people’s attention and instructing them?

C: (Silent)

T: Does it come to your awareness?


C: I think now I’m in a boat, a huge boat and writing down something on the table.

T: Is this the same boat as earlier?

C: This is a bigger boat.

T: Is there anyone with you?

C: No.

T: Can you see how old you are in the bigger boat?

C: I’m not able to see anything.

T: What era or which year this is, you being in the bigger boat?

C: Client was making a lot of hmmmm….mmmmm sounds

T: Explore the boat and see what comes to your understanding. If there’s any calendar or if you’re writing some notes, if there’s any newspaper, share with me what comes to your awareness?

C: I’m confused.

T: What is making you confused, share with me?

C: Client was making a lot of hmmmm….mmmmm sounds

T: Are you still in that big boat?

C: Client was making a lot of hmmmm….mmmmm sounds.

C: We have someone standing in the front, someone tall.

T: Where is this?

C: In the bigger boat.

T: This person you are seeing standing in front of you, is he in the same space where you were writing on the table which I believe you are inside down the boat?

C: Long silent with a lot of hmmmm….mmmmm sounds.

T: Share with me what are you experiencing?

C: I think somebody just slapped me.

T: Someone slapped you? Are you still at the same place?

C: Yeah

T: Do you know who and why did this person slapped you?

C: He is screaming, super high authority.

C: Meaning someone at a higher authority is screaming at you.

T: I want you to take a moment and look at your feet and clothes, share with me what you are wearing.

C: Oh, I’m in a uniform.


C: I’m on a land again, a huge land plantation in a village. I’m smiling, there’s a lot of people, farmers saying something, and they’re looking at me and pointing towards a pond, water. All those are running towards the pond, I don’t know why. Suddenly all are running there. I’m guiding, telling them what to do.

T: How old are you there?

C: Oh, it’s 30s.

T: Do you know what era or time is this?

C: Pretty old. I have something tied on my head. I’m still giving instructions. All of them are running towards the pond and I’m also running there.

JUMP scene same life

C: Now I’m in a house. I think it’s my wife serving me food.

T: Is this the same guy in the 30s?

C: Yeah, she is serving me some food. I’m looking at her.

T: Take a moment, look at your wife, sense and see if you can find the connections with someone in this life. See what comes to your awareness?

C: I think she short lady. But I’m tall. I’m just quietly eating food.

T: Did you manage to find or understand any connections?

C: I’m not sure. No, it’s not a wife. It’s an old lady.

T: So the person serving you food is actually an old lady, not your wife.

C: Yeah an old lady, very dark. I don’t know why, but she’s petting me on my shoulder on the right-hand side. She’s dark.

T: You can still see if there’s any connection with her with someone in this life.

(Explored further at the count of 3 to 1….long silence)

C: I’m seeing a picture of my mother.

T: Mother from this life?

C: Yeah.

T: So you feel that probably this lady could be your mom from this life?

C: Yeah but I don’t know.

T: That’s okay for you have a mix feeling, let’s explore this life further

C: I am lying down on the floor a lot of people around me (Client was making sound as though he is in pain)

T: What is happening? Why are there a lot of people around you?

C: I am not well.

T: How old are you?

C**:** 40’s, I’m tall and fair.

T: When you say you’re not well, you’re lying down. Do you know what is wrong with you?

C: I’m very sick. I’ve got a few people at my feet crying.

T: Sick due to what?
C: I don’t know. I am in my death bed. A lot of people are around, surrounded. A lot of people are outside…ahhhhhh (seems like client was in pain)

T: What is happening are you feeling any pain?

T: Yeah.
T: Where are you feeling the pain?

C: My abdomen at side. (Could see the changes in his face due to the pain)
T: If it’s become too much for you, you can just experience it from a distance, as though you’re watching a movie. Do you feel better? Would you know why you had the pain? Is it because you’re sick? (Upon being awake client was amazed how the pain suddenly disappeared)

C: I am… I am in this life now. Walking towards school.
T: How old are you there?
C: I would say… 16, 17? Hmmmm Well, I’m tall, not 17. I am 16. Mmhmm. Well, I’m tall. And I am… where am I? Oh, boy. I’m passing by some mountains. Some paddy fields. I don’t know, but I’m happy and I’m just walking along the path. Alone. Its day time.
T: Can we go back to the earlier scene where you were on your death bed? I want you to take your last breath. Go thru the transitions. Are you able to do that?

C: Mmhmm. I see a picture of myself on the wall.
T: What does that mean? You’ve already passed on?
C: Yeah.
T: Okay. So you were in your 40’s when you passed?
C: Yeah.
T: What would be the learning or the understanding for that life? What are the lessons that you had to learn?
C: I lot of people came to pay respect. I don’t know. Maybe I’m a village headman or something like that. Lots of people outside, crying.
T: Do you know what was wrong with you?

C: How do I know that?
T: It will come to your awareness

(Did the 3 to 1 counting to get clearer answers, client was really making sounds as though he is uneasy, there was some discomfort)

T: What are you experiencing right now?
C: (Long silent but with a lot of sounds) Then he said “Tired”.
T: Tired? Can we continue or do you want to come out?
C: I really do not know.
T: Share with me what are you experiencing, there seem to be some discomfort?

C: Long silence with on and off sound

T: You had a lot of memories which came through from the three guys on the boat, then you’re being in the pyramid, being in the village and others. A lot of memories came through, but we didn’t manage to get the significance. What are this memories all about? Before you come out, can we just take a little bit of time? Try to find the connection, the root cause to your blindness. To get some answers, to get a clearer understanding if it has anything to do with the past karma you’re carrying. Can we do that?

C: I’m not sure why but I see a big NO.
T: A big what? Did you say NO?
C: There’s a huge alphabet saying “NO”. I don’t know why. I’m literally seeing it in front of me. I don’t understand what’s going on.

(Explored further on why he is seeing “NO” at the count of 3 to 1)
C: I am seeing somebody but I do not know because I’m in one place and it looks like a doctor, but it’s different, not the same person but some other person with somebody like a doctor sitting next to me on a table, and suddenly I’m jumping off to somewhere else. Looks like me but I do not know. But putting a finger to the lips, standing tall, but it’s, I don’t know why this. Again, I’m now in the… I think it’s a clinic. This person is there. Oh, I am…I think I am the doctor. Oh, I am the doctor. Oh, I am talking to another doctor.
T: Do you know what you are talking about?
C: Oh, I think this is a foreign country, I think it’s States. U.S.

T: So you are a doctor in the U.S.?

C: Yeah, and this other doctor I’m talking to here is a white guy. Both of us are white.

T: How old are you?

C: I’m looking like a… 30s?

T: What doctor are you, are you a specialist?

T: We are laughing, joking about something.

T: Does it come to your awareness, what doctor are you?

C: Psychiatrist.

T: The other guy, the other doctor, do you recognize him from this life?

C: My brother.

T: Your brother, that’s great knowing this.

T: Let’s explore your life as a psychiatrist. What do you need to understand or what is it significant you need to understand as the life of a psychiatrist?

C: I think I messed up because I’m putting my hands, putting my head in my hands and I’m just crying. At the table

T: You’re crying? Do you know how you messed up?

C: I don’t know but there’s no one there and I’m just alone, putting my head in my hands and I’m just sad and I’m crying.

T: How old are you here?

C: 30s.

T: You are still in your 30s.

T: It’s very important for you to understand here that what you messed up, what you did. I want you to take the time to explore and see what comes to your awareness. You can either move backwards in that life or you can move forward but if it becomes overwhelming you know you can always view it from a distance but allow yourself to go through the experience.

C: Again the “NO” is there. The big sign “NO” is there and then again the person there with the finger to the lips.

T: Who is this person?

C: I don’t know. It’s a man, putting the finger to the lips and standing.
T: What is he wearing, what does he look like?

C: Dark, White robe, Short hair, black hair, but putting finger to the lips but smiling and then shaking it. Finger saying “NO, NO” don’t do that. Something like that. Stop but like seal lips, but no like wiggling the finger saying “NO”.

T: Take the time to understand, what is he trying to tell you?

C: I am so tired.

T: Okay noted but before we end this can you try understand what is he trying to tell you? Does this means you are not supposed to explore on this?

C: I am exhausted, tired, sorry

(Client couldn’t continue and wanted to end it)


Upon waking up client was holding his head. Told him to just relax for a while, gave some water. Below I have shared important parts of our conversation after therapy but did push him much as he really looked tired.

C: Man, I am not going to do this anymore already. Really….Wow.

T: Why is that?

C: I don’t know why, I feel so…exhausted, tired, pain, lousy.

T: What is making you feel lousy?

C: I don’t know, I am having severe headache man.

T: Just relax drink more water slowly you be back to normal. There is nothing to worry.

C: The pain was really painful just now, right here (touching his stomach) I think the next time I was feeling a lot of pain on the right leg.

T: But when I asked you to see it from a distance, did it go away?

C: You know, that’s why I am surprised. Even the throat, I am just amazed and surprised, seriously. Because I really felt something blocking. I couldn’t talk and I was like…Almost like somebody put a knife to the throat kind of feeling. Not knife, but like somebody choking me. But after that, suddenly I can talk. Like no feeling nothing, no block.

T: (Explain to client what happened here)

C: Can I say something?

T: Yeah, sure.

C: Three times I left my body.

T: You left your body? What you mean by that.

C: I don’t know why, but I was at some other place totally.

T: And what did you experience?

C: One was at the market. I am floating on a market. Second time I was on the top of a roof. Not past life, but now. I remember this house, its government quarters last time. I am there. Third time was at my favourite, Templer’s Park Waterfall. There is this particular road. You can hike up and you will come to a place where the communist people used to stay there during the communist era. During Boy Scouts time we managed to locate that. Not many people know this place then. So I used to hike up there and camp there. Stay there for a whole day and then come back. That’s the original source of the waterfalls. You can hike up there, so I was there. I was like, what am I doing here? Then when I heard your voice, then I again came back. I don’t know what was going on.

T: Even if you were dozing off or you zoned out…But you managed to see past lives and you saw so many…You were just jumping from one to the other, one to the other…Without getting a significant answer. But when you came to the doctor’s part…What was this guy stopping you and this big NO coming in?

C: I do not know, ma’am, seriously. But one thing for sure, I think this is why…So many attempts and I was never successful to do the past life regression. Seriously. Even before you, beginning of the year, there was somebody else who gave me a number. The guy is in PJ (somewhere in Kuala Lumpur). He does training and everything. Did a Zoom conference for me to attend where his teacher is from UK. So we did a Zoom and then talking about this past life regression and how to heal and all that stuff. But I didn’t want to see him face to face. Because I was trying to avoid any astrologers or this past life and I don’t want to show them that I am blind. He always ask me to come to his office, I said no am busy. Once I was ready something always comes up either at my end or his and the appointment gets cancelled. After sometime he didn’t bother calling me. And after that is when I heard you on TikTok. I didn’t think twice about just coming and meeting you. Told myself “I am going to meet this lady, talk to her. Tell her straight that I am blind and so on and let’s see what happens”.

T: What are you feeling?

C: I don’t know. I just feel very chaotic.

T: I just hope that you are not disappointed.

C: No, no. Everything is an experience. At least finally I had a good session.

T: If we want to say that the therapy didn’t work. I believe it did because you managed to experience past lives.

C: No, I am not talking about therapy.

T: Can we talk about the end part little further. I feel that the end part probably had some messages, where you saw yourself messed up as the doctor and the word NO appeared.

C: Yeah and the NO came 3 times.

T: Even after the NO I tried to proceed.

C: That’s when this other person with short black hair, wearing nice milky colour robe and smiling appeared with his finger like this. (Client showing me in action how this person was putting his finger on the lips and was shaking the head side to side. Indicating as NO)

T: It could be your guide, higher self or an entity which wants to protect you. Probably you don’t need to know more?

C: I guess now I know why so many attempts didn’t get successful.

(Here, the client is referring to several attempts he has made from a young age until now, in addition to what he shared earlier. For more details, refer below. He shared this with me while waiting for his transport to arrive outside my condominium.)

The client recounted an experience from when he was much younger in the US, where he sought past life regression therapy. On the day of the scheduled session, the therapist unexpectedly informed him that he couldn’t proceed without offering a clear reason. This left the client feeling confused and upset. After some persistence, the therapist revealed that he had received spiritual guidance advising against continuing the session. The therapist explained that the client’s spiritual guides had warned him not to proceed and mentioned that this would be the client’s last incarnation, hinting that the client would face many challenges in this life. However, the therapist gave no further details, leaving the client feeling unsatisfied and questioning why the session couldn’t move forward.

C: The death bed scene is messing me up.

T: (I explained to client why the last breath transitions is important)

C: Even that was a NO. The NO started appearing there.

Few other sharing’s from client about him.

We were talking about his NDE’s and he resonates with Anita Moorjani. Below is what he shared:

C: When I had eyesight. When I was trying to meditate. I saw a light (Diva) very clear and then after losing eyesight, still saw the Diva few times. I told you, right? I could visualize things like the words and some messages will come. Sometimes I’ll be talking to somebody. A message will appear and I don’t know why this message is appearing and then I think maybe I need to tell you. I tell them and they start crying. I ask why? They will say “I needed this message”. That kind of stuff. I don’t know how to explain. I’m blind but like there’s a screen there and that things appears.

Here client is referring to a background music used during the session.

When I hear the music the first time around, I didn’t tell you this. I was transformed. I saw myself as a huge entity. I’m not in a physical form, but I’m overlooking all of the planets. I’m just looking at the planets, so clear and evident. I’m just enjoying, just monitoring them, just walking around, they’re just moving in their own place.

Here client is referring to before starting the session while the music is on and I give some time for the client to get comfortable.

I’ve been sitting down here listening to the music. I went back to the ancient times. Saw people smiling, sharing things, exchanging things. A king, a leader, just giving to all these people. And the thought that occurred to me was. There was no religion. There was no borders. Everybody was looking at each other harmoniously. There was no distinction, no divide. All very peaceful, harmonious. It’s very ancient, huge lands, people just bartering and exchanging things. No money at all. So peaceful. No divide.


  • Came to an understanding why so many attempts to do PLRT has failed. Client understood probably he just not supposed to know.
  • In current life client became blind at 36, and almost all the past life memories was around 30’s. This could represent some connection. It could be an age trigger.


  • Pending pain level report after therapy.
  • Based on the client’s sharing, he appears to be highly sensitive, as he can be transported easily. He also mentioned the presence of his guide. I advised the client to explore ways to connect with his guide, which can be achieved by going within.
  • Encourage the client to reflect on any feelings or memories from the sessions that might connect with his current life. Journaling or meditation could assist in making these connections more consciously.
  • Report emailed to client.

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